6th December 2024
Apologies for not updating lately….. just a quick catch up on current projects, but not many pictures this time, as as the two large jobs on the go at the moment are still in their early stages. The workshop features have now been now published in Model Rail Magazine, and i do have a few more specialist features in the making, which are; using ally for rear backscene panels, and painting far distance skylines.
Some time has gone into assembling new content for a revised and expanded book as requested by Crecy publishing.
Bourne End has been photographed by Barry Norman for Model Railway Journal, with Nigel on hand to help setting up and posing suitable trains. Neil and I have offered to contribute some informative copy in case it’s required.

Model Rail issue 322 has some workshop content that might come in handy, and it’s crammed with all sorts of scenic cover tips from George dent, Peter Marriot and Chris Nevard.
Please do attend the Railex Model Railway Exhibition, which now returns to the Main hall at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, Stadium Approach, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP21 9PP
Saturday 24th May 10.00-5.30
Sunday 25th May 10.00-4.30
Adults and over 16s: £12.00 including a free programme; Children 16 and under are free when accompanied by an adult
Avoid the crowds and visit on Sunday when it is quieter!
The Warley demo cabinet has been on its first outing to the Cardiff show at the Sophia Gardens and the new owner Craig Owen has the knack of getting some of the larger engines from his collection round the small radius return curves. it now has some figures and vehicles to add character, and its now called ‘Artist’s Valley’, with the name applied very well just above the viewing aperture.
York in the fifties is coming along with Giles being keen to work on the Huttons Ambo section of the Scarborough line. Now that the trackbed is in place, we have been able to contour the surroundings in with foamboard and expanded mesh.

This is today’s view over the York to Scarborough line as it passes Huttons Ambo, and so we’ll be doing this as it was in the 50s, and including a scenic break at the R.H.end
I now have a Facebook page, but only for railway modelling……. I promise not to post any photos of my breakfast or anything!
We don’t usually have time to attend steam galas, but we managed to get to the Bluebell’s ‘Giants of Steam’ event, with a line up of five tender engines. Great day out.
December marks the last few opening days before the Pendon Museum winter shut down period, where it will close until February 2025. To round off another successful year, they have a couple of special events taking place this month…
2025 Reopening
Pendon Museum will reopen on Saturday 1st February 2025, and to celebrate we will have a special exhibition of two visiting layouts for that weekend. On display will be Nick Wood’s Much Murkle and Paul Rhodes’ Old Parrock layouts, both fantastic examples of the railway modelling hobby.
Support the Museum
Pendon Museum is an independent charity and relies on the support of its Friends and volunteers to help us preserve and enhance our exhibits, and keep the museum open to the public. If you would like to know more about these benefits and opportunities, please visit our website or contact us at info@pendonmuseum.com.
Dan Haines has sorted out another two of my locomotives with detailing work, and they have gone to Mick Moignard to get all thair DCC sound chips and everything programmed in, the next and final stage will be a weathering job from Neil Podbery.

The GCR 6 wheeled carriages have arrived from Hattons and I have reserved a few of the new generic bogie carriages in gcr appearance as well, these are similar the the Parker stock that was seen in the early years on the London extension, so they will do very nicely for now.. the lightly loaded trains of the period were often only five or six carriages with an occasional six wheeled brake in the rake,
Sandaoling coal mine , with Nigel laying rails and Neil contouring, me on offices and ground cover. Some of the reduced scale additions are taken from supplied reference, and Mick Davies has agreed to make the Blue loader structure in HO scale for us. Andrew Hicks has agreed to help out with lighting special effects.

Just the beginnings of the model, with the ally panels starting to go in. The curved baseboard cutout in the foreground will allow for a steep slope down to a lake!

The first element of the 3D backscene has been placed into the contouring , and will be visible in many of the photos of the ‘Blue loader”. These are the offices and garages at Sandaoling, and there are quite a few more vehicles to be included here, such as 10 wheeled tipper trucks from 3D printed kits.
A few photos from the latest progress at Kingswear, with Nigel doing the difficult footbridge, and Paul sorting out more locomotives.
12th Sept 2024
It’s done!
Bourne End is complete in terms of scenic work, and we now await the detailing of the locomotive fleet and rolling stock. I have included the last few views in this update before a portfolio of photos are professionally taken, with all the proper lighting and posed trains etc. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing the result, but there’s always a bit of a wait with magazine coverage.
In the meantime, I can concentrate on York in the 50s, catching up on the townscape backscene in the right hand back corner of the layout, and researching the panels to either side of it.
I have also been progressing, and sorting out the backscene and its materials to produce the environment for the Sandaoling coal sidings layout. There aren’t any drawings as far I can tell, but we can probably manage. Nigel is still putting up the baseboards, and Neil will also be on board with this job once we are ready.
Here are the last few photographs that Neil managed to snap once we finished the scenic work at Bourne End. Although it was a long and quite involved job, it’s turned out fine and further down the road there may be some other work to do, including a diorama of Water Gate halt near Torrington, and possibly a working scenic model of Victoria Bridge near Arley.

A view over the junction to distance, but with the completed foreground visible. The old wooden P-way hut is by the footpath on the nearside of the lines, and the allotments appear just beyond the railway. The electricity substation for Wharf Lane and the local residential roads can be seen behind the safety fencing, between the houses, just to the right of centre. Neil Podbery

Overall view with Brian Lewis’s platform shelter, Karl Crowther’s yard crane on this side of the line, and the Wharf Lane allotments and house backs to left. The Royalty cinema and Parade shops are there, with the platform canopy and goods shed to the right. Neil Podbery.

Autumn leaves and some of the bigger trees obscuring the view looking North West towards Well End.
A rake of carmine and cream carriages rests in the interchange sidings adjacent to Thornbie House. Neil Podbery

Looking North East, to where the new industrial estate would be in a few years time. The Telephone exchange building is still there, and we found an ideal post office telephone van to park outside, The phone vans were green instead of the letter delivery vans that had the current livery of pillar box red. Neil Podbery.

Station garage and fruit shop in the foreground, with the level crossing gates closed for an approaching train. Neil Podbery.

David Lane kindly sent us a set of black & white reference photos from the correct period, and one of then showed the advertising posters mounted onto the gable end of the old goods shed. We managed to reproduce these in colour, and here is the visual provided to us by Julia Roblett.

Grass paddock, with the footpath going behind the hedge. This area hadn’t been developed in ’55, although there were houses and gardens behind this viewpoint . Neil Podbery

One of the benefits of good reference is the information to add character to a model, in this case from another one of David Lane’s handy black & white pics of the goods yard. It shows an old car, with a tarp thrown over it, by the weighbridge office. A row of tank wagons and covered vans are in the siding in the background. Neil Podbery

Small Prairie engine shunting, with the footpath, and the ground signal, and point lever for Jackson’s siding in foreground. The now vanished house backs by Richard Ellis, are behind the line. Neil Podbery

The shunting engine at the point to Jeckson’s siding, with the Phone exchange, and the houses on the corner of Highfield Road behind. Neil Podbery
The ‘York station in the 1950s’ job will be ongoing for some time, as it involves a mostly 3D backscene to extend around the inner wall of a refurbished barn. There’s an RM Web blog to describe the overall progress, and I’ll describe the backscene and the other scenic work here. It’s the usual set of 0.9mm soft alloy panels fitted around the inner walls, with removable 3D sections for access to concealed rails beneath where necessary. (see progress pics below)
The other aspects like rails, signals and the control system installation are covered at this blog page…….

This aspect of the layout needs to look N,E, and so we have a view over the rooftops towards the Minster. The river is in the foreground at this point.

This is how it appears now, showing the right hand side of the curved corner panel, with some old carriages included in the foreground for scale. The centre tower resembles the nearby oratory and a good many of the other buildings are representative of those between the Minster and the station. Although the line to Scarborough actually went round behind the Minster, we couldn’t really leave it out as it’s too prominent in the reference pictures.

Looking to the left this time, we’ll need to adapt this townscape into the municipal housing that runs behind the river bridge, but there are some obstacles for me to work round at this point, so I’ll need to do another trial fitting before I can crack on fully with the rear panel towards the left hand of this point.

Sticking my fingers together! The Minster corner piece is rested in place, and I can now work on the panels to either side. Giles Baxter

This is the skyline N to NE from 40m camera height, and there is quite a bit of info. Leppington on the R.H. end seems to be the highest, but I was surprised at how flat it came out. The far distance will appear on the final ally panel, but in very de-saturated colours. The main thing is the Minster and how it breaks the skyline so dramatically.

The panel depth varies from about 20mm at its left hand end, to about 200mm in the centre with the MInster, and then continues to allow progressively more depth futher to the right.
At the opposite end of the barn, we’re going to need a scenic break for the lines exiting the station to the South, and the Holgate Girder Bridge is the obvious choice

Satellite view showing Holgate bridge, with St Pauls to the left. It’s a good opportunity for the southern scenic break, and it appeared in loads od photos as a bonus.

This Lidar scan is of the Holgate stretch of railway, looking North, with the retaining wall visible below the Knave of St. Paul’s Church. This area of backscene will include the massively constructed Holgate girder bridge and the A59, and this scene, with surrounding terraces will form the main part of the scenic break, where the running lines exit the station in the Leeds direction.

An aerial lidar scan of Holgate, showing the railway lines as they are today. This area of York had expanded rapidly, especially with railway workers, and the church was built particularly to serve the terraced housing nearby, which has a footbridge over the lines to the railway works. The church is on an awkward site where the Holgate Road bridges the main railway line just south-west of York station; the churchyard, or space around the church, seems too small for burials. The present railway bridge dates from 1911, but an earlier, simpler, one is shown on a postcard which must pre-date 1906. Holgate Road was known as Holgate Lane, now it is the A59.
Neil very kindly arranged for a social media publicity burst for the Warley demo cabinet, which worked well, as it has now found a new home near Hereford. I can now include some of Chris Nevard’s marvellous photos here, now that they have appeared in the magazine.

Overall view to distance, with a GCR Pom-pom 0-6-0 and short goods train. Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.

‘In progress’ view of the centre section of Rosedale, with the land contours on either side of the 3d backscene panel recieving attention at the moment. Here, the trackwork can be seen curving round to approach the station, which is just off to the right.

I’ll be doing a sketch for the Bowaters exhibition layout which is going to need the natural surroundings, with an aerial cableway visible behind the large buildings of the paper mill. This view of part of the mill, looks over the Kent coastline near Sittingbourne and Kemsley, and fortunately, part of the line still survives today.
The baseboards of the Sandaoling HO layout are progressing well, and we need to wait until they are all tested for running before we do any backscenes or ground cover. There is research to be done though and so I can make myself useful doing some of that in the meantime.

A quick sketch of the first structure to be approached is the well known Blue Loader which features in a great many of the video clips covering Sandaoling steam 15/20 years ago..
Tony Hammond has sent in a few more of his most recent photos……

60532 Blue Peter on a loaded test run at Stapleford Bank (close to where I live) on the 2nd September 2024 as the rain once again begins to fall.

60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on the Settle and Carlisle line at Ribblehead Viaduct. 28th August 2024 in appalling weather conditions.

35028 climbing Stapperton Bank towards the summit on the Cotswold Venturer. 24th August 2024 and for once in summer evening conditions.
I chanced upon an interesting YouTube clip recently depicting an animated ‘game’ style figure walking around a ‘virtual’ Victorian London, and I was staggered by the realism, movement an lighting that can be achieved nowadays. Of course it all requires a colossal budget from the international gaming creators, in this case ‘Assassin’s Creed’.
It’s not the obvious place to look for backscene material, and I suspect that like me, most scale modellers wouldn’t be interested in online gaming, but just imagine if this constantly improving technology could be applied to the background of a model. It would enable an animated super real environment, if there was a way to somehow integrate it into actual 3D.
It’s not quite right yet in terms of research, and the figures still have a slightly jerky ‘game’ type movement, but the textures and the lighting of the scenes are visually pleasing. It would allow the thing that’s lacking in static backscenes, especially city or townscapes, which is movement, Applied successfully in a limited and understated manner, it might be interesting to try. I suspect the difficulty would be trying to directly blend the screen images to a physical model. Maybe with a visual discontinuity like a retaining wall, a’la Metropolitan/District railway cutting it might be easier to incorporate. For those interested, I have adapted some of the text explaining the creation of the virtual scene……..
“When we focused on making Victorian London as the focus of the game, we wanted to try to get to know the city, the setting and era as much as possible,” Dumont says. Altogether, more than 4,000 photos were taken back to the Quebec studio — taken while walking throughout the city and getting lost on multiple occasions. What also helped the research process were the countless paintings and books about Victorian London, but also photographs from the era
Dumont made three trips to London for his research. “We walked 70 to 80 kilometers,” As for the pubs, “we stopped at quite a few to do some beer tasting, which was quite important,” Dumont says. “When we came back, we said, ‘We need to put pubs in the game !”
The end result is very dynamic, a playground for both gamers and history buffs, Dumont says, citing the ability to race horse-drawn carriages through London’s streets and the contrasts of the vibes of the various boroughs — from the industrial Southwark to the peaceful parts of Westminster.

A freeze frame from the London game model ‘Syndicate’ . This fabulous render of St Paul’s is as well drawn as a Canaletto landscape, but the difference is that you can enter the scene and walk about in the streets and lanes, accompanied by other ‘virtual’ londoners, as well as carriages, carts and horses clopping about !
Finally, all being well, we should be attending the Guildford Trade show with the CPL stand

We should have stock of most of the usual products and kits. here are the Shackle and chain kits at Bucks Hill
5th July 2024
Quite a variety of work lately, with some magazine content submitted, doing the Railex show with Neil, along with some design sketches, a Bucks Hill gathering, and mostly offsite work on Bourne End, and York in the 50s. Model Rail magazine have been brilliant, taking an interest in the Warley demo cabinet, which appears on the cover of issue No 327 with a generous four page feature, and Chris Nevard’s photos. There is some workshop type content planned for the future, and I’m told they have also photographed the O gauge guild Weekend Yard layout for a future description. I have done an illustrated article describing tree armatures made from multi strand copper cable and this will appear when editorial space allows. A few others may follow, but they will have to wait their turn. The subscription link to the magazine is below…..
Neil has taken some more photos of Bourne End from one of our recent working days.

An overall view of Bourne End, looking north west over the river, with Thornbie House and garage, Brooksby House, and Platts Dell just visible between the big trees. Glimpses of the Thames, with moored boats, and the opposite Berkshire bank, can just be seen between the houses, gardens and driveways. The Bucks bank, with Townsend’s boatyard, and the Abbotsbrook estate appears on the backscene to the right. This was done as a team effort, firstly by drawing everything on from maps, then doing mockups for the houses and river scene. Richard then took these away, and built them to fit, and also made the river section, with it’s reduced scale bungalows. Neil did the scenic cover and Autumn trees, with drives, figures and gates, and I did the rear panel and a few other bits to help out.

The station garage was built by Brian Lewis some time ago, and we have added some typical period vehicles and clutter, with cars being worked on. A grey SS Jaguar 2 1/2 litre saloon. a Jag Mark 9 saloon up on a jack and an Alfa Romeo 1900 saloon with its bonnet up showing the exotic twin cam engine with side draft carburettors.

The area behind the coal office has fallen out of use and the pavillion type building has become a cab office. The foreground shows the yard entrance, and behind the iron spare point railings is the approach to the goods shed.
Battery cable Autumn trees by the boundary fence.

Nigel is sorting out the engines for Bourne End and they are coming along well. Some need more tweaking than others, but this Lee Marsh 51xx class 2-6-2T ‘prairie’ engine is fine and is seen resting in the platform by the bracket signal. No: 4174 was built at Swindon Works in 1949 (a bit of a late arrival), and it wears a weathered early B.R. black livery. It eventually wound up in the Gloucester area.
Issue No 327

The featured show cabinet is now for sale, and I’ll make something new when I can find the time, and here it is at Warley, courtesy of Jeremy Frith. Please do give me a call or an email if you would like the display. There are plenty of ways to include more interest in the scene, like figures, and other details, but it only accommodates short wheelbase vehicles due to the tight radius end curves.
All the trees on the layouts and dioramas are done with a battery cable structure, so I did a quick guide on how to use this material to make armatures, along with a basic list of products.

Please do have a look at the ‘For sale’ page, where I’ll be adding a few 7mm layout carriages and wagons. Here’s one example and I’ll leave the rest there as an illustrated list when I can.

Preston Corporation internal user open wagons were used for bananas from the East indies, and wood pulp, which was conveyed from the docks by rail, generally only a few miles to the paper mills at Darwen and Blackrod. This is a gouache on board Illustration of PC three plank wagon No 153 that’s also for sale.

The branch to Preston Docks was initially opened by the North Union in 1846 to serve Victoria Quay, later being extended to reach the rest of Preston Docks. The line still descends, as it did then, northwards from the West side of the station, on a gradient of 1 in 29, curving sharply westwards. After passing under Christian Road and through a cutting, the single line enters Fishergate Tunnel, emerging a short way from Strand Road, which is crossed on the level.

Richard Ellis is planning to do a 1930s diorama showing the interior of a terminus station, using the architectural elements of Brunel’s Temple Meads Passenger shed, and here’s a quick sketch of the general appearance. It’s hoped that it will one day be incorporated into a layout, with a station approach, sidings for goods wagons and all the other marvellous architectural details like warehouses and offices.

I noticed that some of the prices on my book were rising for no apparent reason, despite having been stable for quite a while, and although it’s still available at list, Crecy are now considering a reprinted edition, with updated photos and some new content. That will take a while, but I certainly appreciate their willingness to do it, and that should sort out the pricing problem, which I didn’t see coming.

The Gauge O Guild ‘Weekend Yard’ layout has benefitted from some more detailing, and here’s a view of the L-cut retaining wall kits and bridges that cross over the sidings.

This will eventually become a panoramic model of part of the Sandaoling coal mine in inner Mongolia! Nigel is on the case, making the trackbed with its return loops and exchange sidings.

First mockup of the 3D rear panel for Sandaoling, just to see how it looks, but I think it might be an idea to do a sunrise/daylight/sunset sequence. It makes quite a refreshing change from the usual ‘Old England’ landscape.

This was my first dragster, which was a ‘rear motor’ car, with a Hilborn injected 302 Chevrolet with Dart heads. It had 14 to 1 compression for straight methanol, and we managed a best of 9.4 at 143mph.

Just for the fun of it, I looked up the side by side OS mapping to survey the future pre war site for RAF Podington and in the up to date Bing view we can see the old single runway now converted to the famous Santa Pod Raceway. The name came from the American bomber pilots who christened Santa Pod from the nearby village of Podington and the Californian coastal town of Santa Barbara where many of them came from. Nat Library of Scotland.
David Thomas has very kindly sent in a set of photos from the most recent Bucks Hill gathering, and I’ve made a few black & white low contrast versions for variety.

On 14 July 1951, Gresley A3 pacific No 60058 Blair Athol was hauling the ‘West Riding’ express near Huntingdon when two of its coaches caught fire. Twenty-two people were injured, but all the passengers and crew escaped with no fatalities. Fotrunately there were no such problems at the recent Bucks Hill gathering! David Thomas.

Alan Brackenborough brought this scratchbuilt old double framed 0-6-0 goods engine along. David Thomas.

Ex LNER Gresley K3 2-6-0 No 61910. The loco was built at Armstrong Whitworth in April 1931, lasting until being withdrawn from service from Woodford Halse shed in 1962. David Thomas.

Bullied Pacific No: 34055 WCBB ‘Fighter Pilot’ was built in 1947, and was the first WCBB to be withdrawn and never rebuilt. David Thomas.

No 30854 ‘Howard of Effingham’, a Maunsell SR ‘Lord Nelson’ Class 4-6-0, built in October 1928 at Eastleigh Works originally as SR No.E854. In the summer of 1952, it derailed and rolled down an embankment at Shawford, between Winchester and Eastleigh when the crew misread the signals. David Thomas.
I recently sent out a CPL etch of the GWR loading gauge, and can’t remember if I posted Carl’s line drawing here for useful reference.

Dave Alexander sent in this mystery Metropolitan Railway 6 wheeled 20T Brake van, which looks a bit like the GCR type. Can’t remember ever seeing one of these in photos, so a bit of a curiosity!
It was great to catch up with Dan Haines at Bucks Hill, as he is sorting a few of my 4mm scale Great Central locos out with screw couplings and other detailing, but of course Dan does occasionally take proper commissions for 7mm builds, and here ae a few of them.

LMS Black five No 45407 ‘Lancashire Fusilier’ as preserved, and LMS Rebuilt Royal Scot No 46127 ‘The Old Contemptible’. The Black five is a Javelin kit painted by Paul Moore and the Scot was from a David Andrews kit.
If you would like to get in the queue for a Dan build, please do email with details to…….
I must find the time to sort out some CPL parts for Tony Hammond, and nip over to see the Ranelagh layout at some point with Nigel, but in the meantime here are just a few of the amazing photos he has kindly sent over. Hope I get the captions right!

On the 15th March, I captured 34067 Tangmere at Hellifield prior to her heading up the Settle & Carlisle line as part of the Great Britain tour in appalling light. Tony Hammond.

No 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe approaching Codsell on the Cathedrals Express, 22nd June. Tony Hammond.
24th April 2024
Quite a few different jobs on the go, including Bourne End foreground scenic cover as a priority, and there are some photos and ref from this ongoing work. There’s also a set up of a 3D corner panel for Rosedale, which I sketched out a little while ago. Trying to fit in as much time as poss on the York Minster corner panel, but there’s also the re-certification and re-assembly of the American Pie dragster, which we successfully test fired a few days ago.
There are some photos from Missenden Abbey, and a I’ll have to do a 3D backscene depicting the surroundings of the Sandaoling coal mine in China, which will make a change. This needs a few design sketches once Nigel has drawn the track plan into the available space.

The Bourne End goods yard area is now done and a Pannier tank engine is ready to depart with vans and tankers. Karl Crowther built the yard crane which can be seen to the right of the centre siding, and all the ground texture has been finished off by Nigel and Neil. Neil Podbery

In between the joinery to the right and the back of the fruit and veg shop to the left Neil has modelled the produce crates and sacks of potatoes etc, so this area is basically done. The nursery, featured last update can be found between the two cream coloured buildings on the other side of the line. The back of the level crossing signal box and it’s lamp hut appear on the other side of the footpath looking North. Neil Podbery

We have added some gentle contouring to the right of the Cookham Road and this is achieved with foam board layers to represent the slightly rising ground. At the time this was still just rough ground fenced into small paddocks, so there will just be waste ground / natural grass cover represented here. Neil Podbery

This now has the bare earth cover applied, and the grass variation and undergrowth are added with diluted PVA, ready for the grass cover. Neil Podbery

Another side view of the contoured area in the foreground of the railway, and Neil can go to town with this as a good nature study. Although Bourne End is quite level there are a few slopes here and there particularly further west, towards the riverbank. The railway climbs slightly as it leaves the western end of the station platforms ascending towards the Thames Bridge which we unfortunately didn’t have room to include. Neil Podbery

A pair of steel coal wagons await unloading at Jackson’s siding with the crossing keeper’s house at Core’s End level crossing in the background to the right. This area now forms the entrance to a footpath following the trackbed towards Loudwater and the foreground area where the wagons once stood is now a modern commercial estate. Neil Podbery

More or less the same view today, and Boston Drive now occupies the yard area, where Jackson’s siding used to be. In the background we can see the Telephone Exchange to the left, with the end houses of Highfield Road, and the white painted house among the trees to the extreme right is the original crossing keeper’s cottage at Cores End. Google Street view.

Another Pannier propels a brake van from High Wycombe passing the Bourne End Telephone Exchange which can be seen in the background. The rutted entrance to Jackson’s siding and its small yard exiting to the right of this point, via a pair of wooden gates and a ramp onto Furlong Road opposite the bus stop. The second siding behind was occasionally used for carriages. Neil Podbery

In a slightly later reference view of Bourne End’s yard and weighbridge office, there’s an old car with a tarpaulin thrown over it, so we thought it would be good to include it as an interesting feature. It’s the benefit of good reference, which so often shows Neil Podbery

I found this interesting old map showing the diverted streams of the Thames to the North West of Cliveden, and a few postcard views of this quite steeply banked and wooded valley, hence the name Cliff….den. Further upstream, we can see the railway crossing over the Thames and towards Maidenhead to the South, while the Marlow Branch line follows the river along the North bank.

The map doesn’t show the River Wye, which actually flows into the Thames near the boat yard in the background of this view over Platts Dell and Donkey Lane (hidden beneath the tree canopy). It’s one of six chalk streams in Buckinghamshire which are fed by the winter rain that fills aquifers beneath the Chiltern Hills. The springs feeding the Wye emerge to the northwest of this point. This small tributary actually gave its name to Bourne End, as many waterways were known as Burnes and its confluence with the much larger Thames gave rise to the name Bourne End. It flows south through the Abbotsbrook estate and appears near Townsend’s boat yard. The area was obscured by trees in 1955, and it still is today.

The High Wycombe platform and the original gable of the first version of the station made in napped flint. Neil Podbery
One 3D panel has been temporarily rested in place at York in the 50s, and I must now continue the view behind the locomotive depot and carriage sidings to the right. Work is ongoing on the Minster panel, with time spent on the buildings surrounding it.

Obviously still in progress, this is the 3D equivalent, just mocked up for the time being, still needing detailing work and foliage.

Doing an interview with James Aitken while we’re having the diorama cabinet photographed for Model Rail Magazine. Chris Nevard.
We will be bringing the display to the Railex model railway exhibition, run by the Risborough and District Model Railway Club, so please do attend if you can, The show line up is excellent as always, and the details and other exhibitors can be found below.
In 2024 the exhibition will take place at the Stoke Mandeville stadium over the weekend of Saturday May 25th (10:00 to 17:30) and Sunday 26th (10:00 to 16:30). Details of the show can be found using the links below. Information will be added as new stands are confirmed.
For those who have not visited Railex before, the whole exhibition is staged in the modern and fully disabled accessible Stoke Mandeville Stadium. Please note that the Stadium is not connected in any way with the adjacent hospital and therefore cannot be accessed via the hospital. All exhibits are located this year in the Bowls Hall which is adjacent to the sports centre.
At the Missenden Spring weekend we had 7 participants and they all got on extremely well, so I’ll include 1 or 2 pics from each student with a brief description in case you’d like to think about enrolling at some point.

David and Nigel Challis came along with their pre prepared aluminium backscene, with a view to depicting a “might have been” station at Stony Stratford. We can see the marvellous sky horizon rear panel already looking great in the background and the buildings, as viewed from the South East, are starting to appear as mockups. Nigel Challis

Just as a reference for how ally backscenes should be done, this is Nigel’s setup and it’s a fine example of a superbly engineered rear panel arrangement. Nigel Challis

Chris Gates came along this year to keep me company and he wanted to start one of the larger trees for his new layout from reference, and so we can see areas of the crown of the tree here to the right starting to take shape and detail in terms of structure. This armature will still take quite a while to arrange and super glue. Nigel Challis

Jason Bramley chose to do a test section for a diorama depicting Medstead & Four Marks looking South so got quite a way into one end of a mockup 3D backscene. Nigel Challis

Jason also brought along this very nicely executed exhibition layout and we added a skyline which still needs some detailing. Nigel Challis

Sophie Fuller came back again and decided to try a test diorama of a river bridge scene at Grez Sur Loing which is a delightful French village located in the Seine-et-Marne region of France, Nigel Challis

This test panel was painted from reference by Nick Smith, including the sparse cloud cover and the sharply defined skyline on the rising ground to the centre right. There is already some 3D layering appearing on the foreground and it’s a very promising test piece. Nigel Challis

Ian Penberth’s Bodmin Road looking to the North West over Dreason Moor Wood, with a view point just to the South East of the station. The best way by far is to plot the ground contours in behind the layout using a Generate a Panorama contour drawing.

Here’s the marvellous result…..a test section, with period reference for the scenic cover. Nigel Challis.
Nigel and Neil will be attending Kingswear again soon , and that will allow some more progress on the platform footbridge. Once that’s done we can get Chris Nevard along to do a portfolio of proper photos.

Paul has now succeeded in converting a Grange to P4, which is now undergoing test running. By the way….be sure to follow the first moves of the new ‘Betton Grange’ which looks superb in it’s BR green livery. Paul Woodward.
The Pie is now reassembled after its safety certification and it’s trailered ready for the Nostalgia Nationals in a few weeks time. After a successful test fire last weekend we warmed up the Hemi, checked the timing, ran the transmission and the brakes with good fuel and oil pressure. Everything looking good.

Dan’s latest project is a 1932 Ford Pickup Truck which benefits from a supercharged 355 cubic inch Chevrolet small block V8. Jon Golding.
I attended a gathering at Bucks Hill, and met a few new faces, as well as cathing up with a few familiar ones! Great fun as always, and here are a few shots from the layout including a few old ones I found the other day.
Tony Hammond has been out and about again, and the Heritage sector is qiute busy at present. A couple of shots taken just south of Shap on the West Coast Main line, plus a shot taken of 5043 on its return journey at Strickland.
12 February 2024
Still finishing off the last few details on the Bourne End backscene, but we are nearly there now. I’ll stay on board to help Neil and Nigel do the foreground modelling, and there is still miles of fencing and ground cover with trees to do to the south east of the station. There are a few new views of the eastern side of the station by Richard and Neil, and some more engine photos from Nigel.
An introduction to the model has now appeared in MRJ, to precede a full feature at some point, hopefully fairly soon, along with a feature on the Warley demo for Model Rail Magazine, which has now been properly photographed by Chris Nevard.

MRJ issue 300 is excellent and has a Bourne End ‘pre-feature’ double page spread – with some nice copy by Geoff.

A view over the south facing aspect of Thornbie House, with its lawn and moorings seen to the left. Brooksby House is visible just behind and to the right, with a Jowett two seater in the drive, This end of the diorama is finished and all the riverside houses have been bedded in and surrounded by drives, gates, gardens, figures and vehicles. The Abbotsbrook Estate appears in the distance looking North West – Richard Ellis – Monks Gate Models

Thornbie Garages used to face the end of Donkey Lane and here we can see the back wall which lay adjacent to the exchange sidings, with a wagon in the foreground. Engines from excursion trains would sometimes rest in these sidings while the carriages went up the branch to Marlow behind a smaller engine. Richard Ellis – Monksgate Models

This timber P-way hut is now done and bedded in, as are all the buildings at his end of the model. It’s been taken care of by Richard, who is considering making it as a kit. The scenic cover is by Neil and Nigel. Richard Ellis – Monksgate Models

A GWR Pannier tank crosses the road, heading for Maidenhead. Visible just above the locomotive is the Bourne End nursery building and there are footpaths either side of the line at this point, heading east. The nearside one can just be seen in the foreground, passing the rear wall of the signal box. The level crossing lamps are just mockups for now and will be replaced with finescale working replicas later on. Neil Podbery

Overview of the station platform with one figure in place. Just a few more to add further along and a set of canopy lights as well. Neil Podbery.

The corrugated iron lamp hut by the footpath leading to Donkey Lane. This was just past the large junction signal box, which was also demolished within a few years of this date, necessitating the extension of the station / level crossing cabin. Richard Ellis / Monksgate Models.

Further along the line towards Wycombe, there used to be a few semi detached cottages backing onto the line just before the Phone Exchange. We have included these and here is the larger of the two structures nicely taken care of by Richard Ellis to my drawing. They are done at about 6mm to 1′ scale to begin the perceived size reduction as the eye is drawn into the backscene’s representation of middle distance. Richard Ellis Monksgate Models

Further west, this ‘in progress’ view shows the smaller of the two cottages, as yet without border, or rear yard fences. Neither of cottages would be present within a few years of this date as it became the site of an industrial estate, with a couple of large single storey business units / small warehouses surrounded by modern white painted fencing. Richard Ellis/Monks Gate Models

A Class 21 Type 2 diesel-electric in the sidings to the east of the station. To the left are the small new industrial units where the cottages used to be.

Thames Lidar scan looking North West, with Cockmarsh flood meadow to the left of the railway bridge.

Compare it to this handy aerial view, which was another reference ‘bonus’, This cropped view certainly helped to outline the backscene elements even thought it’s a bit blurry.

Bourne End Nursery printed their own version of a street map and it also came in very handy to identify the expansion of the building work at Chalklands, and the other new housing estates under construction to the north.

The Bourne End Nursery now has it’s typical day to day clutter added in, with some fantastic details by Neil including crates, potted plants etc. Some of it would probably have come from the large kitchen garden / allotment ground between Wharf Lane backs and the railway. The nursery actually published their own local street map which was extremely handy for sorting out the roads and new build areas that appear in the background of this picture. Neil Podbery

This cottage at Penny Corner still featured a large lean to greenhouse in the early fifties, and it went through many uses, originally we think, as a Smithy, and it then became the Nags Head pub before becoming residential. All the buildings on this side of the road have now gone, replaced by a modern commercial estate. Neil Podbery

Cores End crossing, basically finished apart from a pavement here and there. Nowadays, the old track bed forms a footpath between the trees to the right and the crossing keepers house survives although extended and painted white. To the right of this point is the scenic break which we’ve arranged to obscure the continuation of the line towards High Wycombe. Richard Ellis – Monksgate Models.
I’m also trying to progress the first 3D panel for the Leeman Road area of York in the 50s. It looks as if there will be a need for a backscene depicting the Holgate girder bridge with St Paul’s Church to the right. This can be arranged to form an ideal scenic break, and was a frequent photographic background for trains approaching York’s passenger station from the North East.

Lidar showing the Holgate bridge to the left, with the station throat and platforms coming in from the right.

‘In progress’ view of the Leeman Road panel, with quite a bit still to do ….. I was given a clear steer to treat Peter Smith’s original foreground Kirtley models as if they were Grade 2 listed buildings, and regard their setting as a conservation area! To the existing scene, I have added the background detail to include the houses along Garfield Terrace, Stamford St, Hanover St, with the Chapel, (now demolished). St Barnabas School on Bright St (also now demolished) appears just to the right of centre. Garnot Street, Rosebery Ave, and Swinerton Ave rooftops appear in the middle distance, with Victoria Park, and beyond are the newer houses along the northern half of Livingston St, and Salisbury Rd. To distance, we are looking to the North West over the Clifton Reach bend in the River Ouse, just out of sight beyond the rooftops.

York skyline in progress, looking North over Clifton Reach. This backscene has a cool grey/blue sky, with large rain clouds.
Another Missenden Spring weekend soon, with a good variety of projects and study areas…

The background is Stony Stratford, roughly as it used to be, and with a prepared folder of reference, we’ll be looking to model a proposed station in the foreground.

With James Aitken, and Chris Nevard to photograph and video the Warley demo cabinet. Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.

Model Rail’s Facebook photo of my J11 Pom-Pom to introduce the Warley show coverage. Chris Nevard/George Dent
Richard Ellis is finishing a number of dioramas at the moment, as well as designing kits etc, and he brought this Somerset & Dorset scene with him to have its new backscene tried in place.

Great Western train posed on the single line to show the ability to display a short train, rather than just a favourite locomotive. Please do refer to Monks Gate Models website for details, once it’s ready for sale. Richard Ellis

We will be paying a visit to see Tony Hammond and his Ranelagh Bridge 7mm layout in the spring, and here’s one of his latast pics showing No 34067 ‘Tangmere’ on the first Cumbrian Mountain Express of the year as she speeds through Oxenholme Station running almost 90 minutes late on the 27th January 2023
I must take a few days soon to ready the Pie for the season…..definitely running a bit late now.

The frequent ‘Run what ya brung’ events are nearly always busy, and involve waiting in a long queue to make a pass. It’s a good opportunity to chat with other teams, and here we are doing just that!
Attended the recent Bucks Hill gathering, which is always fun…..come rain or shine!
A couple of new photos from Kingswear to show recent progress. Only the platform footbridge to do now, and a few other small details.

‘Alacrity’, now securely at her moorings by the quayside. The coal train has been split in two for loading, and the loaded wagons seen here will be drawn back into a siding and replaced with the remaining empties from the adjacent road. They are loaded in turn before the train is re-combined prior to its departure for Torquay Gasworks. Paul Woodward.

Gordon Gravett’s superb dockside cranes are in position, but in need of some minor remedial work to their operating cables following many years in storage. Paul Woodward.
7th December2023
Many projects all running at the same time recently, so as well as trying to finish off the last few jobs at Bourne End, I have also found myself working away to ready the new display for the Warley show deadline. Research work also continues on York in the 1950s, with 3 new sky panels taking turns on the easel for cloud painting.
We did get away for a few days though, for a very nice short holiday break at Welland near the Malvern Hills, with visits to local attractions, of which there are many. A good opportunity to visit the ornate station building at Great Malvern as well as enjoying the rest of the beautiful town.
Hope you all have a happy Christmas and New Year
With obligations for show displays and getting CPL re-stocked for the Guildford show, I have had to skip a few working days at Bourne End, but these events are all behind me now and I can get back to attending the regular working Tuesdays again. The backscene just needs one small section lifting out for the last time for detailing and blending in of road surfaces and scenic cover. Once replaced, I will then lend Neil a hand to finish the rest of the ground cover, and finally, the foreground area to the right of the level crossing. This consists of fenced horse paddocks, rough waste ground, and an unmade access road alongside Jackson’s siding. This was for the unloading of paper pulp for the mill, as well as coal, and some photo reference has come to light with evidence of a coal hopper and a mobile yard crane. This would appear to be a Neal Pelican four wheeler, and I have now found some reference for a scratchbuilt model if it becomes necessary. Nigel is doing his best to find the time to sort out the many locomotives, and we have a few of his pictures to include below.

No 6001 King Edward VII in Bourne End’s High Wycombe platform. In truth, not many Kings (if any) visited Bourne End, but for display purposes we’ll just see this as a ‘royal visit’. Neil Podbery.

This area to the south of the goods shed is basically done now and it was left fairly clear like this in most of the reference photos from the period. The siding nearest the camera was lifted very soon after this depiction, as was the branch line run around loop. Brian Lewis’s excellent goods shed features at the centre with a Fordson van backed in. Neil Podbery.

Brian’s goods shed again and the yard entrance. The lineside footpath has now been modelled in the foreground, although the fencing all needs weathering in, and there will be a line of scrub trees and bracken depicted on the nearside before too long. Nigel Smith.

An overview of Bourne End’s goods yard entrance with the ex coal office and it’s fenced enclosure seen to the right hand side. This has fallen out of use and become overgrown, but I’m going to guess that the fenced and gated enclosure to the rear of the office was where the sacks were weighed and went for delivery or collection. It served as a cab office for a while, until becoming a cafe, and unfortunately was recently demolished after having been damaged by a vehicle. Neil Podbery.

Looking North West, this area still needs some work and we can see the rear of the Bourne End nursery building, which still needs some detailing such as fencing wooden crates, delivery sacks, flower pots, etc etc. The scrub trees in the foreground are pretty much finished and below these is the public footpath past the signal box running parallel to the line behind the joinery. Neil Podbery.

0-4-2T No 1450 on the running line, just south west of Cores End, with the down carriage siding in the foreground. Nigel Smith.

A pair of ex GWR moguls in early and late conditions rest in the branch line exchange sidings. Nigel Smith.
Neil has now finished the scenic cover at the Gauge O Guild’s weekend yard shunting layout, and it has come out very nicely.

A lineside view looking over the sidings to distance…… this is all freelance, so there are no geographical features to speak of because we didn’t have very long to do it! Even though it’s “generic” it’s quite a convincing scene I hope. Thanks for all the good feedback from guild members and public alike. Neil Podbery

This is one of the Lcut arched bridge kits that we used to create the scenic break which occurs near the centre of the left hand base board. There is also a girder bridge available, so we used one of each!
The Warley 2023 show was held at the NEC, and we successfully demonstrated the new landscape cabinet for the first time. It did its job and created a fair bit of interest with Neil on hand ‘out front’ to describe the methods for applying scenic cover and tree foliage, using some part finished examples. This enabled me to engage with members of the public at a small demo table alongside.
As usual we met up with a few familiar faces which is always pleasant at such events, but more importantly, the object of this exercise was to engage with layout builders and modellers to show them as many safeguards and shortcuts. Some as “golden rules” and in many other cases, to introduce scenic modellers to the marvellous resources that are now available online .
I’ll list these below for anyone that was unable to make it Warley along with a list of useful tree making materials.

This is the presentation fascia of the demo cabinet, which deliberately frames the diorama, providing a viewing window, much like a 2D picture. These apertures are quite easy to arrange and have many advantages, either for portable layouts or for permanently installed models concentrating the attention, while allowing for concealed lighting, and deliberately obscuring areas that would be preferably ‘off stage’.

This is still an old ‘in progress’ picture because there isn’t any lineside fencing yet. The three buildings each diminish slightly in scale from foreground to distance with the nearest being represented as a school. Neil Podbery

A view of the school front with the old three arch stone bridge seen to the left. The trees are all done with multi strand copper wire armatures as usual, and a variety of Woodland Scenics Polyfiber and chopped Chinese wig hair for the outer twigs. These are occasionally interspersed with sea moss and other scatters. Neil Podbery

The natural valley features a stone 2 arch river bridge, modified from a Wills kit, but I thought it might be interesting to depict it as having been widened to double trackbed in Edwardian times, thus accounting for the difference in parapets from one side to the other. The engineering brick viaduct parapets and the arched bridge were supplied as kits by Monks Gate Models of Tunbridge Wells. Neil Podbery
All the safeguards for backscene jobs are in the book, but I have noticed a rise in the prices, so shop about a bit.
Here are a few other links that might help. You need a good stock of scatter colours from different manufacturers and you can mix the colours for variety, with medium grade at front of the model, and fine at the back.
Very fine sand or scatter over PVA will do for tree bark, and the Halfords primers are fine for spraying bark colours….. starting with this as a base
Green Scene scatter (via Squires)
Now that the 2023 shows are taken care of, I can also get back to concentrating on the work that needs to be undertaken on York in the 1950s

A very quick ‘in progress’ mock up of one of the far corners featuring the Minster, just pencilled out for now and the beginnings of the rooftops of Petergate that lie between it and the station to the South West.

Where the Scarborough line curves around and crosses over the Ouse Bridge it has been decided that a transition from a town to more open country scene will be an attractive feature. A more open rural area has been mocked up very roughly for now, to include the environs of Huttons Ambo which lies in the attractive rolling countryside in between York and Scarborough. This is going to need a fair bit of preparatory work because it will be necessary to make parts of this scene as removable panels.

A rough sketch of the landscape elements seen beyond the river bridge as they appeared in the 50s. I have piles of these sketches already done for when the rear panels need to be worked on.
I was very pleased to be able to attend the recent gathering at Bucks Hill, and I took the opportunity to run our wonderful new Lee Marsh Castle locomotive ‘Dartmouth Castle’.

Here it is, photographed by David Thomas in its pristine condition at the head off a suitable rake of Toplights/Concertina carriages. GWR No 4088 ‘Dartmouth Castle’ was built at Swindon works in the spring and early summer of 1925.

The Youtube movie now has over 10K views, which is not bad going, and a great many positive comments as well.

Ian Statham is still working on his Wingfield layout, but has had his arm twisted to build a model of an engine house for a local heritage centre. It dated from 1834 and was the engine house for Maesmawr Colliery, one of the earlier examples in the Taff Valley, owned by Mr George Insole, who ended up being very rich and building a fine mansion in Cardiff (now the heritage centre). His brother found the original drawings in Glamorgan Archives, and after many weeks it is now finished. It is done in 7mm/ft scale, but It is only a static model with some simplification to make it possible to build in plastikard and wood. Ian Statham
American Pie will hopefully be doing its thing next year with Dan in the hot seat. I still have a great deal to do to get it back into go condition, but here’s a photo from quite a while ago now, while I was still at it. The spare starter motor has arrived and will have to be clearanced a little and I also need to manufacture decent aluminium spacers for both starters instead of the single turned steel ones we are using at the moment. Other than that it is just the usual maintenance and sending the car away to get a couple of new lugs tig welded under the seat to meet the new safety rules.
The Twickenham MRC O gauge members are considering a new model of West Brompton station as it appeared in the 50s and this is a most interesting idea.

Here’s a preliminary overview of an adjusted lidar scan of the area with the station in the foreground and Brompton cemetery directly behind the station to the righthand side.

An OS map of West Brompton station with the cemetery clearly visible and the London Transport lines heading for Earls Court and the junction with the Circle line exiting under the overall roof of the original Metropolitan District Railway station on the left. The British Railways West London lines in the foreground thread their way between North Pole Junction near Willesden to cross the Thames at Battersea on their way to Clapham Junction.
Tony Hammond has been to Africa recently again on one of his photography safaris, but has since found the time to take some more photographs.

Bullied Pacific 34046 working a Steam Dreams special to Bath on the 28th November. It’s on home turf, as it passes Surbiton Station on the ex London South Western mainline from Waterloo to the South West. Tony Hammond.
We took a short break in the Malvern Hills a few weeks ago, and managed to find the time to visit the Dean Forest Railway which neither of us had seen before, as well as the station at Great Malvern

The station was opened by the Worcester and Hereford Railway in 1860 and was awarded Grade II listed building status in 1969. Despite being 162 years old, the station has retained many of its original Victorian features – including elaborate cast-iron girders supported by impressive sculptures of floral arrangements. The clock tower was part of the railway station’s original Victorian design, but was dismantled some time in the 1950s after it was deemed unsafe. Restoring the tower has long been a cherished aim of the local civic society members, and now the group has reached the point where it is appealing for sponsors to finance the work. The project is being handled by Friends of Malvern’s Railways, a sub-group of the civic society. The estimated total cost of the project is in the region of £384,000 plus VAT, of which £100,000 has already been offered. Network Rail, owner of the national rail infrastructure, has undertaken a roof survey free of charge, and London Midland, which operates many of the trains visiting the station, has offered to manage the construction project.

This was our engine when we went on the Dean Forest Railway, a B.R.(W) 0-6-0T Pannier tank, built in 1949.

No 7903 Foremarke Hall was our engine on the Gloucester Warwickshire Railway round trip. The 79’s were known as “Greyhounds” by the footplate crews as they seemed to be somewhat fleeter of foot than their earlier classmates. 7903 distinguished itself in 1951 by deputising for a normal Castle class on the Plymouth to Paddington boat-train and was the first locomotive to cover the distance in less than four hours. Photo by Tony Hisgett.
29th Sept 2023
Apologies for not updating lately…… completely swamped with exhibition show work as well as two large jobs, all going on at once. However some of this has now been taken care of, notably the Stafford, Guildex live build contribution.
I’ve included a few thumbnail pics of this slightly hectic weekend project, which was done in collaboration with Gauge O Guild, Nigel Smith, Neil Podbery and Kevin Wilson.
Other than Guildex preparation, I have been spreading work time out to include Bourne End, making trees, fencing and gates, mostly on site, but with some additional backup from home.
I’m also preparing an improved 3D display diorama for the Warley Extravaganza. It’s really too soon for any detail pictures, although the project is progressing reasonably well.
There’s also a Scaleseven layout to have a look at soon, as well as another visit to the lovely Rosedale Midland layout, now accompanied by a scenic 2mm scale model.

Ex GWR Castle No 5026 ‘Criccieth Castle’ stands just beyond the Maidenhead platform with a passenger train. Nigel Smith.

7808 Cookham Manor rests in the sidings at Bourne End. The loco was built in 1938 at Swindon Works, withdrawn from service in December 1965 and purchased directly from British Railways for preservation by a member of the Great Western Society, By 1966, it was the only ‘Manor’ Class locomotive to have been bought directly from BR. Nigel Smith.

Still a little more work to be done in this area, which is just to the North East of the station level crossing. More detailed ground cover and undergrowth probably to be added within the next few weeks.

Working on the allotments to the west of New Road. There are bungalows along here now, but quite a few allotments still survive here behind the houses. Neil Podbery
Quite a bit of research and drawing work going on to work out the ‘York Station in 1950’ backscene, and here are a few reference images that have come to light. We have to turn back the clock 73 years, to the days of early B.R. steam/Diesel trains, so it’s the usual maps and archive photos to consult, with the occasional surviving buildings as landmarks.

One of the best photos yet showing the area between the divergence of the Leeds line curving away to the left and the Scarborough lines disappearing off the right. It’s taken from one of the hotel windows and it’s going to be the principal ruling reference picture for the backscene at this point. Again a very lucky find and a considerable time saver.

Online OS map crop showing the background for the Leeds line as it re-crosses Leeman Road to the North West of the city.

The old red brick St Barnabas School was just to the western side of Bright St on the local map. It’s
gone now, but I found this photo from nearly the right aspect for the backscene. The site is still surrounded by the terraced houses that it used to serve.

The ‘slightly’ gothic St Barnabas Church happily still survives on OS plot 221, along with it’s Vicarage, and the carriage yard was located just to the left hand side of the photo. York – St Barnabas Church by Alan Heardman.

The vicarage occupies plot OS map plot 222, and is still the last house along Cinder Lane till you get to the railway junction at the North end if the station,

We should be able to find a little depth to include the famous Minster against the skyline in 3D forced perspective, and this is the correct aspect. It also gives us the jumble of rooftops in the foreground.
A few pictures of the layout in a “weekend” that we did as a collaboration at the Stafford Showground. It has been written up for the Railway Modeller Magazine and it really does show that it’s perfectly possible to make a layout using proprietory equipment in a pretty short space of time. Many thanks go to Peco for encouragement and sponsorship as well as the other contributors in the following list.
White Rose Model Works
Railway Modeller
A simple track plan for goods stock is all that was required in this particular case, but of course individual requirements for layouts would involve different sizes, track plans and configurations. It was intended that there will be warehouse style building on the lefthand side of the layout that will disguise the fiddle yard situated behind. The layout was based on two baseboards supplied by White Rose Modelworks. These measured 1350mm x 600mm. Peco Streamline bullhead Code 124 trackwork items were used, comprising double slip (ref-SL-E790BH), left hand point (SL-E792BH), and lengths of plain flexible track (ref-SL-700BH). For the structures , including the warehouse, bridge, water and sections of retaining wall, it made good use of products from the LCut Creative range of laser cut kits. The signal box will eventually take the form of one of the Peco Lineside kits, notably the ground level signal box (ref-LK-709)
I wanted to include a curved aluminium backscene to help disguise the corners, and although quite generic it was all hand done over the weekend mainly on the Saturday. The proscenium arch and its uprights was finished on the Sunday.

This LCut warehouse kit was extended to provide a scenic element to cover the short fiddle yard / sector plate at the left hand end of the layout.

In progress photo of the new 3D landscape cabinet display that I hope to finish in time for the Warley NEC show
The Bucks Hill movie clip has now attained 8,800 views and it is still climbing steadily so it may well be that the magic 10,000 number is reached, and I’m extremely pleased to see this taking place. It makes the effort worthwhile, so thanks to all of those enthusiasts that watched the clip. If you haven’t seen it yet , heres the link……
This photo was sent in recently of Dan taking on Anthony Colliver’s ‘From Hell’ Competition Altered Wild bunch entry.

American Pie, from a few years ago, and taken from the spectator grandstand. I have no recollection of who won this , but the two cars contrast each other, and are typical of the fun variety you get with the Wild Bunch.

A superb painting by V Welch, based on a photograph by G.M.Shoutts, taken in the summer of 1913. A Liverpool to Harwich Continental express passes Chorlton Junction in the Old Trafford/Stretford area of Manchester. The location is unattractive nowadays, being a few miles to the South west of the city, and In the background, the house backs of Elsinore Rd appear ij the middle distance. The splendid train of teak carriages is headed by the Great Central Railway’s beautiful 3 cylinder Atlantic No 1090.
In the 5th January update of Kingswear in P4, we showed a photo of Gordon Gravett’s superb model of MV Alacrity, as featured in MRJ No.149, but in a very sorry state, having been accidentally dropped whilst in storage, (before it came into our possession). We have since agonised over how on earth to begin restoring the vessel to anything like its original state but, in the end, needs must, so Paul eventually set to with a strong degree of trepidation, knowing nothing at all of the mysteries of ships’ rigging!
Both main masts had snapped, but I was able to effect repair using a brass rod of appropriate size inserted inside the tubular mast sections to hold them firmly together and this seems to have worked well. The tangle of rigging was indeed a nightmare for someone with zero knowledge of the art, but he eventually managed to sort out most of it and ended up only having to cut and reinstate a couple of lines. I guess he has achieved round 90% accuracy at the end of the day, guided by the old MRJ feature pics and the original detailed scale plan …. we await Gordon’s opinion when next he visits…
A number of small components had been dislodged in the accident but, amazingly, most seemed to have been retrieved by Ed Casey and were present, with a couple of exceptions. One was the morse lamp, sited on top of the wheelhouse, which I have made up from an led bulb, guided by reference photos, and the other a hold vent, sourced from Cornwall Model Boats.

The ceremonial return of the Alacrity to it’s spiritual home. We’ll get some proper in situ pics done soon.

Rake of 20 coal wagons, commissioned by Mike Casey specifically for Kingswear and, we are told, painstakingly researched in order to be authentic for the period and location. Depicted as ‘pool’ wagons, as at the end of World War II, heavily weathered and made with an ingeniously simple method of removable coal loads. We know that long coal trains, up to thirty wagons, were operated in and out of Kingswear, to supply Torbay Gasworks, with the train running into the main platform road initially, before being split in two for shunting onto the quayside for loading. So this will be an interesting operation in model form in due course. These wagons will join the 13 we already have, beautifully weathered by Neil Podbery, to make up the required length of train which, fortunately, just fits the capacity of our fiddle yard!

More Mike Casey wagons and vans of various descriptions, mostly commissioned for Kingswear but three of which, we understand, were built for the iconic ‘Heckmondwike’ layout of the mid 1970’s, created to establish the practicality of modelling in P4. We are indeed fortunate to have inherited some real modelling history.

Also included in the stock now acquired from Ed Casey are these four kit/scratchbuilt ‘Toad’ brakevans, here in the charge of our elderly ‘Pannier tank. Come to think of it, might actually make for an interesting train!
At some point before too long, we’ll probably take a trip to see Tony Hammond’s marvellous 7mm layout which depicts the Paddington approaches near Westbourne Park. In the meantime he has sent us a few photos of some of the stock collection that is being readied and Neil has weathered one or two examples.
Tony has also sent a set of photos from when he chased 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on a Fellsman special for the A4 Society, and from other trips around the Settle & Carlisle.

LMS Jubilee No. 45699 Galatea, in the disguise of 45562 Alberta crossing Hellwithbridge on the S&C. Tony Hammond

No 60007 crosses Little bridge viaduct which carries the railway over the beginning of the river Ribble on the S&C, again in pouring rain. Tony Hammond
21 June 2023
Now that the Kempton Park Gauge O Guild event and the Railex Exhibition at Stoke Mandeville Stadium have taken place, I can concentrate on my commissions again. In fact, both shows turned out to be very lively, which is a rewarding thing if you’ve taken the trouble to prepare. Here are a few progress photos of recent endeavours and some other newish stuff that might be of interest.
In between jobs I’m also trying to make a better 3D display that I can take to the huge Warley show at the end of the year, but it’s a little too soon for any photos. I’m hoping to be able to finish it in time, so we’ll see, but the main job of course is to keep steady progress on Bourne End. I can start with a few pictures to illustrate the latest work.

AEC Diesel Railcar W21W, in BR crimson and cream with a grey roof leaves Bourne End for High Wycombe. More detail is appearing at the Wycombe end of the station now, but there is still more to come around the station entrance to the right. The light coloured wooden building to the far RH side was the Bourne End Nursery. Neil Podbery.

W21W again, with the level crossing signalbox to the LH side, and various token and mailbag catching devices by the corrugated lamp hut. The cabin soon was to be extended at this end to compensate for the closure of the junction cabin, at the western end of the station. A spare Auto trailer was often left at the end of the bay platform, by the cream coloured railings on the right, and was coupled onto the Marlow Donkey for busy periods. Neil Podbery.

Nigel is now starting to run the trains, to make sure everything works properly, and here a GWR Mogul and it’s train heads for High Wycombe. Nigel Smith.

These terraced dwellings will go at the Cores End of the layout on the spectator side of the line, so they are at 7mm. Richard will have these available as kits, and these will be surrounded by Autumn trees. Monks Gate Models.

The crossing keeper’s cottage at Cores End survives to this day, with a large gabled extension to this side, and a coat of whitewash. Richard Ellis has made a lovely job of turning back the clock, and there are no more buildings to make for Bourne End now. All we have to do is blend them into the landscape. Monks Gate Models.

This bus stop passenger shelter used to be on the corner of Cores End and Furlong Road, and Richard has taken care of this for us. I suppose we’ll have to paste a timetable up, and get a passenger or two done. Monks Gate Models.

Looking North over rooftops and station canopy. New estates appear in the middle distance but without any mature trees between. Neil Podbery.

Open country with Flackwell Heath seen to distance and a cloud layer rising to the right hand side. Neil Podbery.

Here’s a quick envelope sketch of a panorama looking North and over the large curving multiple arch roof at York station. The view seeks to depict a panorama of how the area appeared to be in the 1950s, with Bootham, Shipton Road, the Tennis & Sports Fields, St. Peters School, St, Marks Abbey, Frederick Street and the famous Minster to the extreme right.

This excellent map gives us a wealth of information for the area behind Scarborough Bridge, although it is pre-war. The different terraced house footprints are clear between Dean and Hetherton streets, for instance, and there’s plenty more detail to put to use! National Library of Scotland

A National Library of Scotland side by side map clearly shows the demolition of the terraces to the East of the Scarborough railway line, and only one row now survives by the riverside. Note also the line of mature trees either side of the railway which may still go some way to providing a handy scenic break, it’s a little early to tell, but even at this stage it shows just how useful a side by side map can be even at the very earliest planning stages. National Library of Scotland.

The only surviving houses now are in Earlsborough Terrace, as seen here on Google ‘Street’. It’s a lucky, surviving source of reference, and I expect this view will come in handy at some point.
Many thanks go to David Thomas for loaning me the running shed diorama back for the Railex Stoke Mandeville demo. It still does the trick as a good talking point for locomotive and diorama enthusiasts, and I thought I’d decorate the interior with this lovely LSWR T3 Adams 4-4-0 locomotive of 1893.

This was built by Morgan Lewis, who was a long-time member of the Pendeford group of Wolverhampton. He built very high quality models both from kits and scratch built, and it bears his authentic builders plate on the underside. The model was painted by Alan Brackenborough, recognised to be the best model painter of the time. Photo by Chris Hopper

There’s even a 3D version of this elegant Victorian engine produced by Caledonia Works, and the real No 563 is under restoration at the Swanage Railway in Dorset.
Just a quick update for Kingswear, and the odd photo to show progress as we start to detail and clutter the place up with the items that bring the model to life. Figures, loads, boats and vehicles are starting to appear, not forgetting the seagulls! I’ll start with a quick marine review, depicting the latest additions…..

This recently completed fishing boat, “Pauline”, courtesy of Brian McCulloch is a work of art in its own right, we really are delighted with it. Paul Woodward

The new harbour tug, a stunning build from an Artitec kit, again by Brian McCulloch, of Braeside models. We are indebted to Brian for this and two other vessels which now contribute to the maritime scene at Kingswear. Paul Woodward

The third of Brian’s masterpieces is,”Bessie”, a charmingly derelict and neglected sail boat, beached on the estuary bank. Paul Woodward

Bessie again in the foreground….. There has also been a long overdue resumption of works by the fencing contractor, with another section now complete alongside Hoodown sidings. This will eventually continue along from the Fore St overbridge by the station, heading North until the path eventually reaches the Higher Ferry crossing ramp. Paul Woodward

Main platform lamps now in place, contributing to the nighttime atmosphere. Still some general clutter and detail to be added, but we’re getting there! Paul Woodward.

A pair of ‘Prairies’ drawing the Torbay up the incline towards Greenway, on departure from Kingswear. This was not uncommon practice, with the tank engines taking the train as far as Newton Abbott, where a ‘Castle’ or ‘King’ would take over for the rest of the journey to Paddington. A short video clip of this operation will shortly be on our You Tube channel

Quick pencil sketch of a canal diverted beneath a four track mainline carried upon a stone bridge with retaining walls. I’ve done the riverbed and abutments so far for this extensive garage based railway system.
Missenden Abbey Railway Modellers Autumn Weekend dates and booking info can be found here, with more information on this upcoming event, and other subsequent tutored courses at the provided ink.
At some point in the future, we hope to be able to list some of Tony and Lee’s very high quality locomotive castings on the CPL website, but first, there’s all the identification and cataloging work to be undertaken, as well as photography.

Happy days! although a few years ago now, as Dan launches the Pie down Santa Pod Raceway’s spectator lane. God willing we’ll be back out again soon, and if this turns out to be the case I have rather a lot to do! Photo by David Beitler photography, which is well worth a look, with top quality drag race vehicles from the UK and USA.

When Dan isn’t lighting the dragster down the track at the weekend, he’ll often go for a spin in his own 1932 Ford reproduction steel bodied 3 window coupe with its dragster wheel rims and 600 hp small block Chevrolet.

A very quick mock up of my new boat train diorama display cabinet, which I’ll try and get round to once the Warley demonstrator is presentable. Still quite a bit of detailing to do.

A pencil sketch visual of the original cabinet idea, with a view to distance between two moored vessels. Rather than natural coast or estuary, I think it might be better to depict another nearby wharf with cranes, warehouses, and smaller scale vessels.
Tony Hammond has been out and about again for a few days in fell country, starting on June 7th, and the photos have come out very well

A little while later the loco is again photographed this time crossing Whalley Viaduct. One of the arches has had an extra layer of bricks added by the look of it. Tony Hammond

Classic time warp view, on the same day and the loco is seen having just left Hellifield, heading back down towards Blackburn and then its final destination of Crewe. Tony Hammond.

The train has just emerged from Blea Moor Tunnel as it continues it’s journey up the long Drag. Tony Hammond.

A marvellous study by Neil Podbery of a Victorian William Dean goods engine at rest in the Bourne End sidings.

Do please make a date in your diaries to attend the 2023 Guildex event, to be held again at the successful Stafford Showground venue.

I recently found this fascinating 3D plot of Notre Dame Cathedral and it builds into a time sequence showing the basic construction of the building along with its unfortunate recent history and the changes that have taken place over the years. The chap who produced the model can be found at the link below and it’s an interesting diversion for a while as he has also studied and drawn a good many other historically important structures, often with even more bizarre and disastrous histories than Notre Dame itself.

From time to time, Neil sends over examples of modelling from his many social media feeds, many of which feature other spheres of study, like military and architecture, and this excellent small interior diorama caught his eye. It’s by Andreas Rousonelis, and a quick search led me to The ‘Box Dioramas’ website, where many more examples can be found in all scales and sizes.

By Friday the 23rd June, the Bucks Hill documentary should be published on its own You Tube channel, so while I don’t have a direct link at the moment, be sure to search for the half hour documentary in the early part of next week. Hope you like it. It took a lot of doing! and I learned quite a bit about the process from Dave Roberts at Concept Filming of Didcot. Original by Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.
7th April 2023
Getting on with the jobs, and Missenden Abbey is done for another year, but I must first mention the sad loss of Tony Reynalds a few weeks ago. He was an absolutely brilliant bloke, a master of his art, and we’ll all miss him.
Back to a routine of onsite working days at Bourne End and we’re basically finished up to the station level crossing in the middle of the scenic section. There is ongoing work to continue the scene further to the right, from the station, past the phone exchange and eastwards to the scenic break at Cores End.The rear panel is now fully painted, just needing a few joins to be filled and blended at the right hand end. The last few buildings have been drawn and scaled including the Cores End Crossing Keepers cottage, a Victorian terrace in red brick, and the bus shelter at the end of Furlong Road. There are a few other possible backscene projects that may come about so I’ll spend a little time just sketching and planning, and I might even be able to put in a week or two on the new ‘Boat Train’ diorama. I’ll put a few new pictures up for those interested.

Bourne End looking NW from the railway, with the allotment gardens and Wharf Lane as the first layer. Behind is the Parade, eventually leading into the Marlow Road, via Well End at the extreme left, heading west from here. Blind Lane branches off to the right at the end of the Parade, leading to the newer estates and lockups by Roman Way, Chalklands, Loddon Road and the other new build dwellings spreading northwards. The late fifties/early sixties will soon bring the houses of Greenside and Goddington Road into the panorama, but this scene is just plotted out for 1955 using sightlines from side by side map reference. Neil Podbery.

This ground plan shows the Marlow Donkey Branch line, with it’s loop, and curved approach at the top, and behind this is where the backscene starts to do it’s job.

Working out the sightlines for a backscene with a map is quite straightforward, as the sketch shows, so it’s a question of concentrating on a particular direction at a time when plotting things into position behind the railway itself. From a central viewpoint, a straightedge placed across a period map in the direction of view, shows which landmarks appear to either side between the observer, and the distance. A rough sketch outline in pencil onto your rear panel, will progressively help to indicate and label the features and elements of the surroundings. This is best done once you have your layout viewing height established, and the horizon datum line height is drawn in. Side by side maps can help to identify any structures and changes since the chosen period.

Goddington Road wasn’t actually built until a few years later, but it does illustrate the typical look of the new estates which were by then growing across the fields.

Looking over the station canopy roof, with some large autumn trees and quite a tall hedge apparent behind the branch line, which is just out of sight behind the cream coloured railings.

The nursery gardens and allotments by the eastern end of Wharf Lane. All this was built over with a new ‘cul de sac’ called Southbourne Drive in the late 60s & 70s. Neil Podbery.
This marvellous set of unpublished photographs were recently donated by Bill Harding, a local resident, and we will be representing the train with it’s correct number as a result….. Thanks Bill

No 1474 and its trailer pauses in the mainline platform. The Collett 1400 class 0-4-2T was built at Swindon in April 1936. Bill Harding

Looking the other way, with the signalman at work in Bourne End’s level crossing cabin. Bill Harding.

This old building on the corner (opposite the bank) used to be the Nags Head pub and it was pulled down in the mid to late 50s (just after this date). The road junction was originally named after the pub, but it’s now called Penny’s Corner. The huge white lean to greenhouse became a local feature/landmark. Neil Podbery.

The Royalty Parade with the cinema still open, although due for closure by this point. It was to be re-used as a discount carpet warehouse over the next few years. Alongside is the ‘Donald’ newsagent, which remained open as a successful business for years to come. In the background is a large orchard with it’s regularly spaced rows of trees. Neil Podbery.
Missenden Abbey was fine, and it’s always good to catch up with some familiar faces and meet a few new ones.

Sophie and Ian Fuller working on a test panel for their upcoming project depicting the station and surroundings of East Tisted, Hampshire, to be done in EM gauge. Chris Hopper.

Dave Challis working on a test section for an Isle of Wight layout. you can see the reference photographs for terrain, and colour matching alongside the 3D backscene. Nigel Challis.

Close up of Dave’s test piece at the end of the Spring weekend, bearing in mind that he started out with no more than his reference pictures. Nigel Challis
We must get on with doing the voice overs for the Bucks Hill movie, so it’s a question of finishing the script, and recording it to an acceptable standard.
A few portraits from the latest, and very well attended running day at Bucks Hill, along with a few older ones, all courtesy of David Thomas.

Hawksworth ‘County’ No 1010 ‘County of Caernarvon’ pilots an up double header. The main new features were a non standard coupled wheel diameter of 6′ 3″ and a high boiler pressure of 280lb. No 1010 was built at Swindon in 1946. David Thomas

Peppercorn A2 class pacific No 60534 ‘Irish Elegance’ is a recently completed David Andrews kit in 7mm scale. An excellent build by Mick Davies, painted by Warren Heywood and weathered by Neil Podbery. The original was built at Doncaster works in 1948 and was sent to 50A shed (York North). David Thomas.

Maunsell ‘Lord Nelson’ class 4-6-0 No 30854 ‘Howard of Effingham’, recently finished by Kevin and running well with it’s characteristic eight exhaust beats per revolution. These were introduced 1926 and the cylinders and tender were modified by Bulleid from 1938. All were fitted with multiple-jet blastpipes and large diameter chimneys. They were intended for Continental boat trains between London (Victoria) and Dover harbour, but were also later used for express passenger work to the South-West of England. David Thomas.
Railex Aylesbury is back in May 2023 (as above). The details of the show will be updated as information becomes available, so please visit the link provided regularly to check for updates. The event is brought to you as usual by the Risborough & District Model Railway Club.
I’m hoping to bring David Thomas’ Running Shed diorama with me, and will be doing demos on both days. Please do stop by if you have any backscene questions I can help with.
Railway Modelling Experts Ltd. (RME) was formed by Pete Brownlow, John Gowers and Chris Noble, a group of Model Railway Enthusiasts with years of experience building layouts with particular expertise in electronics and digital control. They can provide any or all of the following services.
You can pick from the list, whichever parts of your layout project you would like us to do for you, or work with you to achieve.
Track layout planning and design
Custom baseboard design, construction, supply and fitting
Track laying and ballasting (to universal or fine scale standards)
Layout wiring for train power, points, signals, turntables and the rest
Analogue (DC) or Digital (DCC) control implementation
Conversion of Analogue (DC) layouts to Digital (DCC)
Upgrading your fleet of locos to DCC
Custom control panels
Working signals, semaphore or colour light
Structures such as buildings, bridges, stations etc
Computer control and automation

This superb 4mm scale layout ‘Burnden Park’ appeared in the May and June 2018 editions of British Railway Modeller, with a newly updated wiring and control system for DCC operation, including a custom circuit board to provide route selection for the fiddle yard. We also reprogrammed the DCC decoders in the fleet of locos for better operation.
Tony Hammond has been braving the miserable weather up north for a couple of weeks.

He did eventually manage to get out to capture a Steam Dreams Special from London to Carlisle at Garsdale Station on Saturday the 25th March.

Tony is doing a 7mm scale layout based on the Ranelagh Bridge/Westbourne Grove approaches to Paddington station in late British Railways days, so I did a quickie sketch to see if we could apply a ‘West London panorama’ to add a bit of distance.
I have taken an interest in the noted Russian landscape/seascape painter Ivan Aivazovsky who, amazingly produced around 6,000 finished works, over half of which were maritime subjects.
Born in the Black Sea port of Feodosia in 1817, he entered art school in Saint Petersburg when he was just 16. He was sent by the Imperial Academy of Arts to study in Europe, and he spent a few years mingling with other creatives in Italy and France. He was lauded by contemporaries such as the English painter J.M.W. Turner.
Returning to Russia, Aivazovsky had become a celebrity. Impressed by his outstanding talent, the Russian navy named Aivazovsky their official painter, and his travel adventures really began. In 1845 he was sent on a voyage to Constantinople and the Greek archipelago. With raw energy and not yet aged 30, the artist produced a treasure trove of marine, coastal, and battle scenes.

‘The Ninth Wave’ (1850) is widely considered to be Aivazovsky’s most famous work and is monumental in scale, measuring almost 11 by 7 feet. It depicts the aftermath of a shipwreck set before a spectacular sunrise.
Nigel Smith has been re-modelling the well known 7mm scale ‘Dainton Bank’ layout, wisely adding a 3D backscene by Neil, and quite a bit of additional scenery. Here a just a few detail photos, bearing in mind that the work is still underway.

Early days with a harbour scene, and there are a number of reduced scale layers and building facades present. Nigel Smith.
30th January 2023
Plenty of projects on the go, and some sketches and design work to do, so it’s a question of juggling things as you go along. The main thing is to make good progress on Bourne End, and we have now finished everything at the ‘river’ end of the model. Some new pictures from Neil and Nigel follow to show the latest work ‘in situ’.

It’s Autumn 1955, and we are looking North over Bourne End’s junction signal box. The house backs of Wharf Lane, beyond the allotments, and the rooftops of Lock Bridge Rd and Sailing Club Road are present, obscured by the large tree on the left. The large detached dwellings of Oakfield Road appear between the established trees, and the shop backs of the Parade run North West in the middle distance. Beyond, the newer estates by Blind Lane are there, but without any mature trees between yet. Nigel Smith.

This view is now complete, and it’s nice to have been able to play with a few feet of depth allowance. There’s a footpath from the railway’s lamp hut with a gate into the kitchen garden behind Brooksby House, and that comes in from the right of this view to join Donkey Lane. Soon, the trains from High Wycombe and Maidenhead will pass by on the rails in the foreground, while the Marlow Donkey will turn up every so often on the branch line behind. Many of the locomotives to represent this activity are away, being prepared with up to date DCC equipment and other detailing, (This one still needs weathering). Excursion trains to Marlow ran regularly until the late 1950s, often forming part of trips that included Windsor. with the passengers enjoying a river cruise on one of Salters steamers, whilst their train ran ECS between the two points. These trains often brought locos including Halls and Castles to Marlow although ‘Red’ locos were restricted to 20mph on the branch. The visit of 32425 ‘Trevose Head’ on 29 July 1956 saw the loco only working as far as Bourne End with No 6151 taking the train to Marlow. Nigel Smith.

Looking in the direction of Marlow, the rising ground obscures the view to distance. As the tree lined ridge behind Cockmarsh breaks the skyline. The River Thames runs behind the houses in the middle distance and an ex Great Western Railway Mogul locomotive rests in the sidings between duties. Nigel Smith.

A view over the Marlow Donkey station loop which was due to be lifted the next year. Between the entrance to the Platt and the railway is Donkey Lane and this has changed relatively little since the days of steam on the branch. Nigel Smith.

This is the backscene at the eastern end of Wharf Lane, with a view from the allotments at the gap between the doctor’s house, and the corner shop. Neil Podbery.

Bourne End Motors was next along past the Royalty, and because of the scale reduction we’re using, the facade is at about 4mm scale. Neil Podbery.

There are two large trees between Donkey Lane and the Junction signal box, so we’ve done them quite bare. Notice Norman’s carefully researched point rodding and fine angled telegraph poles, and Nigel’s detailing and ballasting of his beautifully laid rails in the foreground. We can see quite clearly how the sidings differ in appearance to the main lines. Abbots Brook, woodland, and sky beyond finish the scene. Nigel Smith.

Some time ago, Paul Rutson set up this marvellous allotment patch for us, and Neil has recently added a few more plants, and the scraggy hedgerow that’s grown up over the years over the boundary fence in the upper left hand corner. Neil Podbery.

There used to be a small electricity sub station here in between the Wharf Lane houses and you do still see modern versions of these about. This one has now completely disappeared, and it’s not the prettiest thing to behold in between the gardens, but we’ll always try to stick the prototype when we’re modelling. Nigel Smith.

Backscene semi-detached houses, with their back fences adjoining the kitchen gardens and allotment plots. Neil Podbery

Rear garden garden detail, we’ll probably do a few more trees along the back fences here, and some washing hanging on the line. Neil Podbery.
There is a good deal of ‘behind the scenes’ and progress work still going on to finish Kingswear, so here are a few pics to illustrate the latest changes. We have been fortunate enough to acquire three engines, and a number of items of rolling stock, originally commissioned by Mike Casey for his epic Kingswear/Bodmin project. These masterpieces have now been restored to their spiritual home and our thanks go to Mike’s son, Ed, for his help and generosity. There’s more in the pipeline, but it’s too soon for any pics yet, so for the time being then, here are the latest items.

Ed tells us that vehicles were only commissioned by his father on the basis of photographic evidence of their contemporary presence, i.e. in 1947, either at Kingswear or Bodmin. So these models are completely authentic for the location and period – unlike some of the pre-existing stock, which we may now have to re-evaluate! Small Prairie No 4316 was built by John Hayes, and just needs to be converted to DCC control. Paul Woodward.

Ready to fit the crew into one of the small Prairie cabs and we find this exquisite detailing. All of Mike Casey’s commissioned work was done to this standard and it’s a job to match it. Paul Woodward.

A view of the newly installed careening berth, near the Creek bridge, appears in many photos of the 1947 period. All these were completely disused and rotten by the post war period, as the various boatyards between here and Totnes could do a much better job of defouling hulls. It’s been rendered with an air of decay and neglect appropriate to its having fallen into disuse over a period of years prior to our operational timeframe, and a railing still remains on one side of the platform. Another nice little cameo scene. Neil Podbery.

Nearly all the signals are done for Kingswear, but this is Paul’s first attempt at a bracket type, in this case, with three arms. Quite a lot of work was involved, using largely Wizard Models/MSE components. The main difficulty was in transferring the operating linkage to the two outer arms, which has been done using small cranks, doubled in thickness to give them a little more strength. The result is inevitably somewhat of a compromise between scale appearance and the necessary robustness needed for 4mm scale operation. The arms still need a slight tweak to get the correct horizontal positioning, but they need to be operated the a few times for the mechanism to settle down before doing that. Paul Woodward.

We are reliably informed that no ‘B’ Set ever appeared at Kingswear, so these were presumably commissioned for the Bodmin branch. In our parallel world, however, they will be regular visitors. Paul Woodward.

A corridor clerestory brake third, built from a Mallard kit, and a Rocar LMS passenger brake van. The latter was apparently intended for an eventual Bradford train. Probably not enough years left for me now to build the remainder of the rake, but if anyone out there has information on the likely composition of that train, we would be very pleased to hear from you! Paul Woodward.

Lidar overview of Kingswear clearly showing the Dart meandering inland, and the small creek diverging to the right. Of course the layout has a sharper curve as the lines head north from the station, but at least it goes the right way! Nat library of Scotland.

At the scenic break, we did the skyline to include Greenway House, and the nearby Greenway farm. A chimney stack usually marks the position of a fixed steam engine, and machine threshing produced large amounts of straw. To the left is a small granary, which would have held Barley, Wheat and Oats, and to the right is a straw barn above a stable. Some of the farmyard is obscured by trees, but a small row of cottages are seen up the lane towards Boohay. An excellent resource of farm building types and function can be found here…..

Dean 4-4-0 No 3341 ‘Blasius’, pausing by the signal box. This was a local regular, shedded at Newton Abbott at the time. The P4 model was Built by Ted Holloway, beautifully finished in wartime black, and appropriately weathered.

All these vehicles really have to be seen at close hand to fully appreciate the level of detail and care in construction of each one. We feel honoured to have become their custodians for the time being. And then there’s this little gem – a specially commissioned Devon General bus of the period. Note the additional letter ‘e’ on the destination board, the initial name for the layout, in subtle acknowledgement of the fact that the track configuration had been adapted to accommodate a link to the rest of Mike Casey’s vast railway system. I think we may retain the apparent mis-spelling as it is, as a gesture to the history of the project, all it needs now is a driver, waiting for the departure. Paul Woodward.
The excellent Princes Risborough M.C. will be running the Railex 2023 exhibition in May, and the details of the show will be updated as information becomes available.
For those who have not visited Railex before, the whole exhibition is staged in the Stoke Mandeville Stadium. which is a massive 20,000 square foot sports hall. It also has the best lighting you’re likely to find anywhere
The layouts to be displayed are of the very highest quality and are invited on this merit alone, and there are wide aisles, allowing for relaxed viewing of layouts, or speaking with traders and demonstrators. If all goes well, I’ll be doing a demo, which I haven’t done for a while, so please do stop by and have a chat if you have a scenic layout project to do. I’ll bring a few examples of work along, and a screen for displaying maps, panoramas and contouring.

This 3D backscene sample panel does a reasonable job of getting from layout scale to distant skyline in a moderate 130mm allowance, so I’ll bring it along with me, and whatever else will help.

This is a design sketch for a scenic 4mm scale permanent model, including a section of single line carried over a valley called Dowery Dell, near Frankley. Standing at around 100 scale feet tall, and stretching over 650 ft in length, this viaduct was one of few trestle structures in the area, carrying the trains on the Halesowen to Longbridge line. It was supported by two brick and stone abutments with tall embankments at either end and rested upon eight cast-iron piers. Due to its fragility, there were speed restrictions of 10mph for trains passing over.

The site of the viaduct has largely been forgotten now, and only fragments remain of the once magnificent structure, built in the early 1880s. Today, the site has been partly swallowed by woodland, but it can still be made out. After crossing the valley, the line ran partly in a cutting towards Rubery (which is the station in the foreground). This has now all been in-filled, but the panoramic model will hopefully one day recreate the look of the Halesowen line with its small tank engines and rickety coaches. As well as Generate-a-Panorama and period mapping, I always visit a Lidar map, and this scan clearly shows the approach embankments, and the row of remaining pier bases.

To the right hand side of the panorama, the red brick buildings of Hollymoor Hospital can be made out in the middle distance, and this was originally served by a long siding to the east of the station.
If you find yourself with a few moments to spare, it can be inspirational to browse and study romantic landscape paintings, and I find they occasionally give me ideas for scenic modelling and backscenes. There are quite a few galleries, but this one is especially good for backscene study.

I have managed to find a collection of part finished Great Central Railway 4mm engines, and some of them are well over 40 years old. By comparison to the highly detailed models that are now produced, the basic shapes of the main parts are cast in whitemetal, and will need a lot of attention in terms of detailing and straightening.

Here’s an ex MSLR J10 goods engine which we hope to fix up and detail. It looks to be in workshop grey GC livery in the photo, and unlined, so it should be a relatively easy one to do. Some of the others I have were typically turned out in the superb fully lined green.

I have done a couple of arrangement sketches for a Great Eastern society article on Hadleigh by David Bousfield, and there are a couple more articles to write when I can get round to it. This is Hadleigh in 7mm, looking North. Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.

A new diorama by Richard Ellis will be available soon, and I have done a rear panel for it. I’ll keep you posted with progress, and I have aload of pictures coming from the most recent Bucks Hill visit, as well as some blasts from the past!
24th November 2022
We are past the half way point with Bourne End, and there are now several backscene panels fully done, and a few more ready for their Autumn trees. They will be fitted in soon, and I’ll get some pictures taken. All the newer municipal housing and bungalows to the North East have to be represented now, along with the phone exchange with its caretakers house alongside. A few other items might be of interest, as well as the the Bucks Hill movie, which is still being developed. We’ll need to do one more short filming session with some voice-over recording, and it can be finally edited. The rest of the time is spent on the usual envelope sketches and mockups for other layouts, including some research on a model of Kingston upon Hull docks.

The Marlow Donkey line can just be seen between the Autumn trees on the right, disappearing from view and following the riverbank, before curving round North West into the station in the Eastern outskirts of the town. The exchange sidings are in the lower left of the photo, with Abbotsbrook, Townsend’s boatyard, and Well End beyond. Neil Podbery

‘In progress’ view of the North aspect, with the newly built council houses of Cherwell. Loddon, Kennett, and Brent roads in the middle distance. Isis, and Fisherman’s Ways will appear as continuations of the new estates to the right, and the hedges and young trees and bushes in front need some autumn colours to tone them down a bit. The latest plots have no mature trees between the houses, so they look quite bare compared to the roads near the station, which have mature trees everywhere. Neil Podbery

I’m working on this area of Bourne End at the moment, and you can see the new houses along Highfield and New Roads aren’t even shaded in yet. The bungalows on the eastern side of New Road aren’t there yet, and It will just be a fence and allotments on that side, till we get to Core’s End, and the level crossing near Egham House

Modern Bourne End from a Lidar scan, with all the intensity of modern housing crammed onto the Northern side of the Thames. The only area that has remained basically unchanged is to the south of the the riverside bungalows on the South Western bank, with the Cockmarsh flood plain visible behind the gardens. Even today the path of the railway towards High Wycombe is unmistakable, although at ground level it has effectively disappeared.

This house was done for us by Richard Ellis of Monks Gate Models, and it was taken down just a few years after the layout period of 1955, along with quite a few other dwellings to the west of Penny Corner. It used to be called Nags Head Corner, and the old Nag’s head building does appear on the model , with a big greenhouse added on the side. This area is a bit short on reference, but It shows how things were before all the recent commercial buildings were put up on the trackbed towards High Wycombe. Once we are a bit further along, I’ll get some ‘in situ’ photos taken, and don’t forget to have a look around the new stuff at Monks Gate including recently introduced kits and lineside accessories

Before today’s flat signs with their vinyl lettering came along, cast metal signs, of the type that can be seen in any movie from the 1950s showing roadside scenes, were usually a heavy iron plate, with black raised lettering on a white background. Pre-war types sometimes had small circular reflectors incorporated within their lettering. Larger signs like this, were set up at the approach to junctions, actually giving precedence to the road number, the local town names were sometimes omitted and were always in smaller lettering than the road number. The dashed black and white line at the top indicates that the road in question can be joined a short distance along the indicated route, and at some point the background colour changed to mustard yellow, probably in the early to mid 1960s. This one is near the level crossing and it should reduce down pretty well. It’ll be at 6mm scale, which means a finished size of about 1 inches by 2 inches.

Thornbie House had the railway to Maidenhead to the left of this view, (the semaphore signal can be seen by the roof) and the Thames to the right. All the lawns, gates, flowerbeds and shrubs have been added in to surround Richard’s building, and we even have a figure or two to include here. Neil Podbery.

Between the branch line rails and the back gardens were a patch of allotments and a hedge overgrowing the GWR boundary fence. This needs doing before we fit the panels into place behind, so here’s a section of it, ready for dressing with foliage. Neil Podbery.

This method of tree dressing uses chopped Chinese brown wig hair which is sprinkled over the outer branches and twigs before being dressed with foliage scatter. For natural variety we also use other methods, such as teased out poly fibre, matt lacquered into place, and of course, the Autumn colours of Bourne End means that we have to keep a good eye out for the variety of colour in the leaf fall season. Neil Podbery.
Kingswear is basically done but it still needs a few more details for that all important atmosphere, and I’ll chip in by bringing additions along, like clutter for the goods yard for instance, or locating figures and vehicles. There’s a good chance of including the original ‘Alacrity’ vessel soon, it just needs a few small repairs undertaken. There is the possibility of adding a few locomotives from the original layout build to the stable, as well as a useful drawing of the station footbridge. We’re looking forward to that possibility, while the larger new build 4-6-0 locomotives are being done.

This amazing view alongside the wharf is what we were after for this part of the terminus with absolutely no frills, just long lines of ordinary wagons and a completely industrial scene. We’ll settle the vessel down to sit at waterline, add one or two superb figures, blacken the sidings and add a partial coal load. ‘Helena’ is an Artitec resin barge which we have had for some time, but Neil has recently painted and weathered the vessel to reflect its hard working existence. The cabin has its interior detail done, and there are more boats in the pipeline, hopefully taking their places on the river in the next few months. This end of the wharf is now basically there as far as detailing goes, but the pontoon guide timbers need their tide marks/seaweed added. They used to roll a coal wagon right to the end of the siding to barrow out the coal for the ‘Mew’ steam ferryboat. Nigel Smith

An overall view of Kingswear Station and village, with the wharf cranes and coal wagons in the foreground. Nigel Smith.

This is, I think, a sister ship to the Alacrity, but it gives a pretty good idea of the arrangement. This will be by far the largest vessel that will appear on the model, and we’ll probably add a few Modelu figures on this one too.
The M.V. ‘Alacrity’ became the subject for Kingswear’s model because it was a regular visitor to the wharf. These were F. T. Everard vessels from the London docks at Greenhythe.

This old map is from the Edwardian era because it still has the little wagon jetty protruding away from the wharf. A few of the houses on the slopes where it says Kingswear and Totnes are still to appear, but it’s basically the same as the model.

One of Gordon Gravett’s fantastic electric cranes, which ran for most of the length of the wharf. When timber loads came in from Scandinavia they unhooked the double acting coal buckets and just used a simple sling to lift the timber onto the quayside in neat piles. To the right, behind the wagon are a couple of spare buckets lying on the quayside, and these did appear in a great many period photographs. Nigel Smith.

Dockside crane, looking South over the wharf. The rails could do with blackening a bit to represent spilled coal dust. Nigel Smith.

Thumbnail view of the right hand side of the model looking south, with some nice reflections in the water. Paul Woodward.

Another nocturnal scene with waiting passengers and an old double frame locomotive in the platform. Paul Woodward.

The Royal Dart Hotel and some of the dwellings of Ridley Hill illuminated in this thumbnail view while a Scammell mechanical horse and its flatbed trailer are loaded in the goods shed. Lighting the buildings does take a long time , but it’s worth it for effects like these. The reflections in the water on this model, are are welcome bonus. Paul Woodward.

Churchward 2-8-0T No 4283 in unlined shirt button livery was built at the end of June 1920, and it waits in the sidings alongside a Royal Navy single decker bus.

Ridley Hill with its well appointed houses, seen just above the church. Most of Kingswear’s listed buildings are concentrated in the centre of the village. At the South Western edge of today’s conservation area lies Ashleigh House, a fairly plain 18th or early 19th century, slate hung townhouse. The Church of St Thomas was extensively rebuilt by J. Hayward in 1847 but retains its 14th century tower. The lychgate, also of 1847 and by the same architect, is listed in its own right, and finally Sarah Roope’s Almshouses, in plain slate rubble and dating from 1840 are situated prominently on the hillside.

Greenway and the scenic break in an overall view showing the latest progress in fascia presentation, which now extends all the way around. The lower matchboarding just needs a coat of wood primer, and GWR dark stone to finish the look. The sliding fiddle yard can just be seen to the left. Paul Woodward.

Looking further round the river, this photo shows the fascia still missing it’s lower kick panel, but already benefiting the presentation and describing and emphasising the viewing window or moving picture. Paul Woodward.
The Warley show is coming up this weekend, and Nigel has put a lot of work into the arrangements, so please plan to attend if possible. Gordon and Maggie will be there doing the kids scenery demo, and there are hundreds of other exhibits and traders as well. We will be there on the Sunday.

This is Martin Dracup’s excellent Melchester, which is done in 2mm scale. To the right we can see the pathway of a new 3D backscene with a bit of depth to play with. I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes as Martin is a very capable scenic modeller and it’s now a question of graduating the existing scenic work in progress into the graduated relief work of the backscene itself. Although it’s entirely convincing contour wise, it is actually freelance, so the job will be to visually describe the transition from townscape into open country. Very much looking forward to seeing this take shape. Martin Dracup

Another view of Melchester and its new rear panel. I think we’ll need to see some portrayal of rising contour in the middle distance, as the layout surroundings have to justify the existence of a tunnel entrance, (scene), just to right of centre in this view. It should be fine to portray the townscape on its higher ground done in a series of focal layers gradually disappearing away to skyline.

Just a very quick sketch of a diorama layout idea, depicting the picturesque little station at Wingfield near Alfreton in Derbyshire. The original building still exists.as the only surviving as-built Francis Thompson station, He also designed engine sheds, goods sheds and other buildings along the line and so created much of the character of the North Midland Railway. Thank heavens it has recently been awarded a restoration grant to preserve it for the future, and I just thought it would make a marvellous subject. Fortunately Ian Statham agreed with me, and he’s thinking about making a small exhibition layout in 7mm.

It was situated on the line between Derby and Leeds, close to the road between South Wingfield and Oakerthorpe, and the station itself closed in 1967. The buildings still stand, but until quite recently in a derelict condition, and the line itself is still in use as part of the Midland Main Line.

Here’s a 2mm scale mockup to follow the sketch, and it works fairly well. There’s a bit of room for some sidings in the foreground and there used to be a nearby colliery which was part of the reason for the station in the first place.
I recently spoke to Alan Brackenborough about the upcoming Bucks Hill video and promised to send him a link once it’s uploaded to Youtube. I’m quite proud of the result and really looking forward to the eventual publishing date.
Although I would normally leave locomotive work to the experts, I thought It might be fun to have a go at doing a ‘Star’ Atlantic just as an exercise in 4mm. It won’t stand up to close inspection but It might make a bit of a change in between backscene jobs.

De Glehn compound ‘La France’ influenced the Star design, and this is Kevin Wilson’s MOK 7mm build a few years ago before paint.
Malcolm Mitchell very kindly found me a G.A. drawing of a ‘Star’ Atlantic, showing the different areas very clearly, such as the straight framing and the lower cab, longer steps, and of course the trailing wheels which were similar to the ‘Saint’ Atlantics.
Malcolm’s website has more superb content…
30th September 2022
Progress marches on at Bourne End, with building construction still taking up time. Most of the houses are now done as backscene facades, although not all are fitted into place yet or lit. The crossing keeper’s cottage at Cores End still needs working out, but that’s about it. There are still a few other items that are might be of interest, as well as the the Bucks Hill movie, which is going well, but we’ll certainly need to do some more filming, and this always involves a bit of preparation. The rest of the time is spent on the usual envelope sketches and mockups for other layouts.

Looking North East over the platforms, we can see the Marlow line curving around by the signal box and disappearing around behind the boatyard. Behind the post and rail fencing to the left, are the allotments and rear gardens of the houses along Wharf Lane. This is all built over with seventies housing now.

Richard Ellis did these excellent Victorian villas facades for us at 6mm to the foot, and we blended them into the scene with different colours for each house, more modern windows and paths, fences, hedges, and garages.

This is at the corner of Sailing Club Road and Oakfield Road, and there was a silver birch tree right in the middle of the road junction. The club house is just visible behind, but this is now harder to see as the birch tree has since been dressed with autumn leaves. An Austin Seven is parked by the road sign and some of the driveways now have cars as well.

An old view of Wharf Lane without any telegraph poles or cars, just puddles and leaves in the gutter

A monotone study of the goods shed which still needs poster hoardings on it’s rear wall, advertising bargains at the local Mace grocers, the Bucks County Show at Hartwell, Real Dairy Cream, and Gascold fridges.

This is an ‘in progress’ view from nearer the station, and there are still loads of trees to go on. Basically, wherever there’s a green cardboard cutout, Neil will replace it with a properly modelled Autumn tree on a copper armature like the one in the foreground. These panels are nearly done, and there’s a snagging list for the last details, with TV aerials, washing hanging up, dustbins, cars, figures and so on. This end of the backscene is ready to go in, and have all the wiring done from under the baseboards.

Between the allotment fence and Wharf lane, there used to be an electricity substation, with a couple of small brick buildings, so we are just finishing off the safety fence and a DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE notice! Neil Podbery

Donkey Lane runs alongside the railway as far as the crossing in the middle distance, with the kitchen garden in the foreground. Just a few autumn leaves to finish this now. Neil Podbery

This view is over the Exchange sidings, looking North, and we have the river panel rested in place, just visible between Thornbie and Brooksby houses. There’s still some more work to be done on it, and the hedges, fences and trees along the towpath still need to be included. Neil Podbery

From just above the down main platform we have a better view of the allotment plots and the beginnings of the lineside hedgerow by the post and rail boundary fence. The run around loop for the branch line is still in situ but was due to be lifted the following year. Neil Podbery

A thumbnail of Wharf Lane, with a 1950’s detached house alongside the Victorian villas. The ‘turreted’ wooden fencing was to be found all over Bourne End and the new ‘sun’ patterned wooden driveway gates would have been a recent and very fashionable improvement. It’s actually quite interesting to include modern additions into late steam era layouts and we’ll be doing quite a bit of this with TV aerials and streamlined post war cars and vans etc. Neil Podbery
I must get round to visiting Dave Roberts for another session of editing the Bucks Hill film. There’s quite a bit more footage to play with after the last shoot, and there’s probably one more to come, just to make sure we don’t forget anything important.

British Railways Class 41 diesel-hydraulic locomotive D601 was one of a small batch built by the North British Locomotive Company in Glasgow during 1957 and 1958. Each locomotive was equipped with two MAN 12V diesel engines, with each set adjusted to produce 1,000 hp at 1,445 rpm, partly because the Voith L306r three speed transmissions available at the time were not able to accept more output. All were named after Royal Navy vessels, and the nameplates each bore a subtitle ‘Warship Class’.

An ex London, Brighton and South Coast Railway E1 Class 0-6-0T No. 32151 running light engine. These were designed by William Stroudley in 1874 for short-distance goods and piloting duties, and were really conceived as a larger, goods version of his successful “Terrier” class. 32151 was built at Brighton works in 1880 and appears in the early British Railways livery, but without a totem. Dave Thomas

Schools class Maunsell 4-4-0 No. 30926 ‘Repton’ heads east at Ewyas Harold. This engine was built at the end of June 1934 at Eastleigh works. Dave Thomas.

LSWR Adams Radial 415 class 4-4-2T No. 420 heading west with a LSWR Saloon carriage. The trailing wheels led to the ‘Radial Tank’ name, and the loco was introduced in 1882.

Pannier No. 0-6-0PT No. 1731 at the branch line signal. This Dean GWR design was Introduced in 1890, and 1731 emerged from Swindon works in 1892. It was rebuilt with pannier tanks in 1909. Dave Thomas.

A De-Glehn Compound Atlantic in lined black livery rounding the curve at Ewyas Harold. This will be one of the stars of the upcoming film clip and I’ll try and remember to group it in with the Edwardian period stock.

An in progress/workshop photo of a display diorama by Richard Ellis of Monks Gate Models, featuring a tunnel mouth to the right hand, and a surface mirror at the left hand end. It’s a good example of a mirrored cabinet, with all the elements correctly spaced to provide the right reflection continuation.

Eventually, a row of colour matched foliage will appear above the retaining wall parapet to blend in the open countryside rear panel. Of course with a mirror it’s always best to just light the clouds directly from above, to avoid conflicting directional lighting issues.
Bookings will open for the 2023 Missenden Abbey Spring Weekend at 10.00am on Tuesday 4 October, and this will be the 6th year of unchanged prices.
Missenden exists for railway modellers to spend an uninterrupted weekend in the company of other modellers learning from some of the best tutors in the country. Whether it be loco building or understanding the intricacies of painting and lining, there is a course where you can enhance your skills and learn by practical experience.
Bring along that project that you put aside so long ago and seek advice to overcome the difficulties.
The following courses will be available at the Spring Weekend
4mm and smaller kit building
7mm and larger kit building
Backscenes and Scenery
Painting & Lining
Structure Modelling
You can read more about Tony here
Backscenes & Scenics here
The Spring Weekend webpage has all the latest details here

This is the other end of the townscape/depot layout idea sketch I put in the last update. The best idea is probably to do a mock up based on this for the next stage. Nigel still has to check the practicality of the track layout before we proceed any further.

A first proposed presentation sketch for a model of Rubery between Longbridge and Halesowen. This has the emphasis on a doing good presentation facia which suits the model and it’s period, as well as concealing the scenic breaks and lighting rig.

Kingswear is still making fine progress, and this shows the presentation of the lower panels, done in tongue and groove planking, or matchboarding? These will get a a lower skirting board and a coat of GWR light brown paint to finish the job. What a difference! this really is how to present a scenic model. Paul Woodward.

The railings and stairs have been done from reference at the end of Kingswear wharf, and there will be adepiction at this point showing coal being unloaded for the ferry boat. Neil Podbery

At some point we’ll have to have a look at a backscene for Chris Walker’s fabulous Charlton Park 7mm layout. It’s likely to be a view out to mostly rolling open countryside with the odd distant feature. Once I have the rear panel done, Neil can colour match some hedgerow to blend it all together nicely.

I recently paid a visit to the excellent Dainton Bank 7mm model to see about including some suitable building facades into the 3D backscene. This is quite a straightforward job as long as you have done a mockup to get the relative sizes right and here they are laid out flat before installation.

This marvellous scene has been modelled in forced perspective for the Dainton backscene, and it captures the look of the rolling hills to the south of Newton Abbott. Neil Podbery
When I used to paint souvenir gouache pictures for local galleries, I came across a marvellous reference book featuring 284 pages of well composed black and white photographs taken by, or near the River Thames. The Thames Illustrated: A Picturesque Journeying From Richmond to Oxford by John Leyland, was a volume originally published by G Newnes in 1897, and recently ‘digitised’ in 2007.

From ‘The Thames Illustrated’ a plate showing Temple Island which lies a little way upstream of Bourne End.
I managed to find some GWR carriage reference in this volume recently, and while many carriage builders and detailers have the J.H.Russell early and later period carriage volumes, not so many have this one.

This carriage interior is packed with atmosphere and I suspect that due to its narrow width, it’s a third class compartment in quite an old Victorian GWR coach. The very well produced publicity photograph has had a romantic postcard view cut into the window apertures, probably at the negative stage.
This is Edington Junction on the old Somerset and Dorset line and Dave Gower is making a fully scenic P4 model of this quite isolated station. It’s going to feature a 3D backscene as well as all the local features of the landscape including field boundaries, nearby buildings and level crossings.

The NLS side by side map shows the relatively small amount of physical change in the surroundings since the closure of the line. To the west of the station, we found evidence for a manned level crossing at Chilton Drove on the single lower line, which leads to Cossington and on to Bridgwater. The upper line heads north west towards Bason Bridge, terminating at Burnham on Sea.

It has progressed quite a bit since this one was taken, and all of the 3D blending has now been done. There’s some research to be undertaken to correctly represent the fields and pastures alongside the railway, and I suspect we’ll find that a lot of the numbered fields were livestock pasture, as this was dairy country.

It might be interesting to do a harbour background (possibly with a view out to estuary), as a rear panel for a photo diorama that Neil is working on, just with the grey outlines of dockside cranes, and funnels against a layered overcast sky, something like this.
The collection of pre grouping engines is now expanding, and I’m absolutely delighted to have found a couple of Great Central liveried goods engines, as well as a GWR Star class 4-6-0, a Wainwright 0-6-0, and a GWR City 4-4-0.

Robinson 8K 2-8-0 in original condition, beautifully lined out with red and white, and this can go at the head of a long coal train with the names of the Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire collieries on the wagons. The first of these emerged from the GCR’s Gorton workshops in 1911 as essentially a superheated version of an earlier 0-8-0, the 8A class, with the addition of a pony truck. This both supported the greater front end weight and gave a steadier ride. The 8K was introduced to anticipate the increased traffic from the GCR’s vast new docks complex at Immingham in North East Lincolnshire and by June 1914 126 were in traffic.

Great Central Railway Class 9J ‘Pom Pom’ No. 316 in fully lined black goods livery can appear with a mixed goods train for Woodford Halse. These were Robinson’s first goods locomotive design and they were very popular with the enginemen. At various times they worked about every class of train from pick-up goods to express passenger! Unfortunately. none survived into preservation.

The ‘Stars’ were a class of 4-cylinder 4-6-0 passenger locomotives designed by Churchward in 1906. The prototype was built as a 4-4-2 Atlantic, proving to be a successful design, and handling the heaviest long-distance express trains, while reaching top speeds of 90 mph. They and established the design principles for GWR 4-cylinder classes for the next twenty-five years.
An Atlantic conversion would be interesting for this, but again, for now I’m happy to leave it as ‘Lode Star’ which perpetuated the names of the earlier broad gauge ‘Star’ Class of 1838. Quite recently, the resourceful ‘4709’ group have stated that Thornbury Castle’s chassis and other components are to be used to recreate a Star class locomotive.

The South Eastern and Chatham Railway 109 strong ‘C’ Class 0-6-0s were designed by Harry Wainwright and built between 1900 and 1908. They were designed for freight duties, although were occasionally used for passenger trains and looked marvellous in the lined green livery.

‘City of Truro’ needs no info paragraph here, I might get it changed to another member of the class under Nigel’s careful guidance, but for now I’ll happily keep it as it is.
Tony Hammond has been out and about again, and here are a couple of ‘Railway in the landscape’ pics. on his last day out before the holidays. The day started in pouring rain at Stableford Bank with 34046 then up to the Fells to capture 70000 at Seaside and then 35018 at Horton in Ribblesdale.

With the backdrop of Pen-y-ghent 70000 having taken over from 34046, heads northwards along the S&C bound for Oxenholme. Tony Hammond

In pouring rain, and running 25 minutes late, 34046 heads up Stableford Bank on its way to Crewe with a Saphos special rail tour. Tony Hammond.
Some more plates from J.C.Bourne, the well known artist, engraver and photographer, best known for his lithographs showing the construction of the great cuttings, embankments, and tunnels on both the London and Birmingham and Great Western Railways
The Great Western views were different to the earlier L&B views. as by 1846, the Great Western was already well established. In this case, Bourne produced a series of drawings that reflected the grandeur and permanence of Brunel’s great broad-gauge railway.

‘The ringing grooves of change’: a wash-and ink drawing of the new London to Birmingham line. It shows the excavation of a cutting at Park Village, in Camden Town in 1837, with a wealth of absolutely fascinating detail including the remaining buildings as well as the usual sublime composition. From Drawings of the London and Birmingham Railway, with an historical and descriptive account by John Britton. 1839.
‘From Euston station to Camden depot there are four lines of way, which are carried as far as Park Street between retaining walls: the clear width occupied here is about 56 feet; the walls are about 19 feet in height, and are built to a curved batter, with a radius of about 60 feet. The lowest part of the foundation is 7 feet below the level of the rails, and the thickness of brickwork decreases from the footings upwards, from the bottom 3 feet 11½ inches, and at the top 2 feet 7½ inches. The whole length of these extends to upwards of 2,200 yards.
In this length there are seven bridges and archways over the railway, each of which is in two spans. Some of these bridges are built of brick and faced with stone; and others have iron ribs resting on brick piers.
From Park Street to the Regent’s Canal bridge at Camden Town the lines are near the general surface of the ground; and the railway is enclosed on either side with neat iron railings, with pedestals of brick resting on dwarf walls.
Due to the section between Park Street and the Hampstead Road being driven through London clay, Stephenson’s specification laid down exactly how the excavation was to proceed ― on no account was the its face to be carried on more than 40 feet in advance of the completed retaining wall without the Engineer’s written permission. This stipulation took into account the characteristic of London clay to stand for a short time after being cut, but then to bulge outwards with force as it absorbed moisture:
The endless cable ran in the centre of the track and railway ‘policemen’ were the forerunners of today’s signalmen. As these planes are considerably curved in some portions, both vertical sloping sheaves are used for the rope, and these are fixed in cast iron cases embedded in the ballasting.
Partly to economise on land purchase and bridge construction (along its short length, the line originally passed under seven bridges) most of the Extension lies in a walled cutting, the walls being of stronger than usual construction throughout. Their thickness can be seen in Cooke Bourne’s drawing.’

This is the London Birmingham Railway Camden Town Depot at Primrose Hill by Bourne, showing off his fantastic draftsmanship, with the unusual sliding rail point mechanism in the foreground, and a pair of Edward Bury L & B locomotives. Behind are the Locomotive Engine Houses, the chimneys of the stationary engines, with rails and eccentrics etc, looking towards London. John Cooke Bourne, 1838.

Pangbourne Station in the early years of the GWR mainline with a Gooch engine drawing to a stop. Notice the set of steps in the up platform to the left, presumably designed to trick unwary passengers into falling over when disembarking from their carriages at night!

Richard Ellis is hoping to produce a display diorama of Foxes Wood (or St Anne’s) Long Tunnel on the GWR just to the west of Bristol (seen here from the West). The line had to avoid a bend in the river Avon,which can be seen looking upstream, and diverting away from the railway to the east, so they tunnelled for over 1000 yds beneath the headland. Drawn and lithographed by J C Bourne, and printed by C F Cheffins in 1846.
30th July 2022
Work continues on the Bourne End project, with building work, windows, interiors and lighting going into many of the existing houses. I have also made a start on the newer 50s housing that is rising to the right of Penny Corner, at either side of the telephone exchange. There are still a few other small jobs other items of interest that are worthy of mention, including the Bucks Hill movie, which is shaping up well, and the usual envelope sketches for layouts and scenic breaks etc.

In 1933, the Great Western Railway introduced a very successful series of diesel railcars, which survived in regular use into the 1960s, In this view looking north east, a single unit No W21W in red and cream livery rests in the transfer sidings. Beyond, we can see Thornbie House with Brooksby and Donkey Lane disappearing between the trees to the right. The sidings are now all weathered and finished and the newly ballasted main lines are visible in the foreground. Large Autumn trees surround this area and there are still more of these to come. The area is starting to take on some local character. Neil Podbery

Platt’s Dell, looking N.W. from Donkey Lane, with a good view of the decorative chimney in the side wall. Beyond the Thames and Townsend’s boatyard, we can see the posh houses of the Abbotsbrook Estate among the mature trees in the middle distance. Neil Podbery

The Platt again, this time looking North East from the lawn, surrounded by Autumn trees, and with a Virginia creeper adorning the walls. Neil Podbery

The buffers at the end of the transfer sidings, surrounded by trees, weeds, a signal and a telegraph pole. This area is pretty much finished now. with Nigel’s weathering of the rails, and Neil’s natural foliage cover. Both scenic breaks at the western end of the layout are now done, and this one forms the portal for the Maidenhead line. Neil Podbery

Bourne End’s telephone exchange is the tall building to the right and alongside it is a small cottage with a side entrance. Presumably the caretaker lived here and I’m inclined to think both buildings were made around 1937. The photo is several years later than our build period, but reference for this section is a little sparse. The rails still cross the road at Cores End in the foreground, but the new industrial buildings to the left are more recent and there’s no map record of them being present in 1955.

Detail of the Barclays Bank facade, with leaded panes and varnished teak panelled door. Richard Ellis
Kingswear is still making good progress, particularly on the signalling, which makes a huge difference to the model, especially in the station and yard area.
Here are a few photos with short captions to show progress, while we continue to produce the small detail components.
Edwardian Kingswear Map link…..

The signalbox diagram in place behind the lever frame. The route indicator lights just look like black dots at the moment, and the southern rails are done in green at the top, with the darker colour for sidings, and the GWR lines are grey, with blue sidings. The red pinstripes are track circuit, and the signal and point numbers correspond to the lever frame, with red for signals and black for points and slips.

Wartime buildings and what were presumably parts storage sheds for the torpedo installation. The Quay and jetty at the Waterhead Creek inlet was just to the right of this point, with a board crossing for the railway.

This area is now finished, with rails, signals and detailing complete. There’s a Southern Railway signal post sited in front of the tank, built in the traditional style using two lengths of old rail bolted together. The steps are done, leading up to Fore Street, just opposite the garage

Riverbank at low ebb, with a culvert below a short stone embankment. Behind this is where the contour of the original riverbank still descends to the waterline, so there’s a dip behind the line at this point. To the right, an up home signal appears, and the furthest buffer stop from the yard before the line passes Britannia crossing (which has no sidings at all).

This hut was situated just up the lane from the Higher Ferry, and it was occupied by the linesman. It was converted from an old railway van and just dragged up and levelled by the roadside. Neil Podbery

The single road locomotive shed is sited below the cutting, and Neil has now done all the foliage here. The rails have all been checked and weathered by Nigel, so there’s just the matter of some typical clutter to finish up with this scene. We’ll find the right balance for this by studying reference pictures from the approximate period. It’s quite important to work into these last stages by working from the back of the model towards the foreground so there’s no damage done by leaning over things and snagging them. Pretty soon, we’ll be able to fit the posts for the disused yard lamps which had a ‘T’ bar across the top, and two insulators for the power cables.

Kingswear No 2 box controls the ‘Southern’ part of the line, which Mike Casey creatively added as a fictional feature. Paul has included this as part of the original configuration, so it looks as Mike originally intended it to. The next block section would have been Boohay, so that’s what we put on the signalbox diagram.
We have quite a few hours of editing time on the Bucks Hill movie, but we’ll certainly need to put in some more filming time soon. That will involve a bit of preparation, to make sure we don’t see stock from different periods in the same clip. We can bring in effects and unlike the 4mm scale films, we can use the actual train sounds, which pick up very well via Dave’s directional microphones. There is one effect which overlays a ‘cine film’ look to the clip which is very convincing.
Dave is also active doing film promotion work for the Pendon Museum, and their Youtube channel can be found here……
The short films include some of the all important background study and research that supports the exhibits, explained with excellent voice overs.

A ‘517’ Class locomotive No1160 passes Ewyas Harold with an auto trailer. These small 0-4-2T tank engines were designed by George Armstrong for local passenger work on the Great Western, and this example was built at Wolverhampton works in 1875. None of them survived even though there were many, and I would think this would be an ideal candidate for a new build, especially given the amount of info available. Of course a Jersey Lily would be better still! Dave Thomas

The same train arrives in the platform in this fabulous photograph by Dave Thomas. This one should be done as a poster for model club rooms!

No 1731 opposite Bucks Hill cabin, taking a break from shunting the yard. The 0-6-0PT
was an 1892 William Dean design, only rebuilt with pannier tanks in 1909. Dave Thomas.

46225 Duchess of Gloucester on the up main. These Stanier Pacifics were developed from the ‘Princess Royal’ Class. This particular example was built at Crewe Works in June 1938, and it appears in late BR livery.

GWR Collett 0-6-0T No 7700 heads west, bunker first, this locomotive was built at Swindon at the end of March 1930. Dave Thomas.

This one definitely reminds me of the ‘Pines Relief’ or similar, it’s a bit like an Ivo Peters study, apart perhaps from the use of a Fowler Patriot as the train engine. No 45513 was built at Crewe in 1932, and Fowler 2P No 40659 just the year before. Dave Thomas

Maunsell Schools Class 4-4-0 No 30908 ‘Westminster’, in early B.R. lined Brunswick green passes by with bogie flat wagons. The locomotive itself emerged from Eastleigh works in Sept 1930, and were the last locomotives in Britain to be designed with this old fashioned wheel arrangement. They became the most powerful 4-4-0s ever produced in Europe, more than exceeding expectations, having extremely free steaming even with poor grades of coal. The low engines, low internal friction and perfect balance contributed to a tractive effort of 25120 lbs. Dave Thomas.
A few 850 class locomotives are still available from Lee, but over 3/4 of this project has now been reserved from a total of 100 models. The ‘Castle’ class engines reservation list is now virtually complete, but the last few can be found here…..
Bookings for the Missenden Abbey Summer Retreat, and Autumn Weekend 2022 are now open, and I expect to be back for the Spring weekend of 2023. It’s possible to subscribe for notifications, or just check in every so often at…..
It’s always possible to do a small scale layout mockup at Missenden Abbey instead of painting, and it’s a good way to check the balance and presentation of an idea.

Something like quarter scale, for instance, would be fine, or just scale your model idea down to 2mm, allowing downloadable templates to be applied. This one is based on Vine St Farringdon.

This envelope sketch is the first go at a 7mm scale shed layout in diorama style, done at different levels for visual interest, and with a townscape as a backdrop. Still only a concept at the moment, we’ll see how the project develops over time.
If any Missenden modellers would prefer just to do some painting instead of 3D work, thats fine, all we’ll need is the reference and a trace of the size outline. There’s always some 2D work an any backscene even if it’s just the skyline and sky.
It’s often the case that a backscene turns out to be a relatively long thin vertical strip due to the linear nature of railway models. This is quite a normal configuration, but it can sometimes lead to problems with foreshortened images when taking photographs or viewing the railway from an oblique viewpoint. This leaves the backscene with an image foreshortening problem to deal with, and the sharper the viewing angle, the more the problem becomes exaggerated.
So what can be done to alleviate this common problem? The answer is to include the use of view blocking devices which are placed deliberately to obscure foreshortened areas of a backscene that are becoming unrealistic.

Here’s an obvious example of view blockers arranged to partition a backscene into a visually separated diorama. They work surprisingly well, as the eye is persuaded into restricting its own view, and remaining between an arranged pair of 3D features that have been placed to distract the eye away from a continuous run.

A few years ago I put up a scan of an old watercolour landscape by my grandad, Harry Taylor Bambrick, and the other day, I found another one. It’s certainly not Coventry, where he lived at the time, signwriting the colliery wagons, but it might be County Tipperary Ireland where he had relatives. H.T. Bambrick.

An archive gem from the camera of Roy Emmett. Several sequences of the GCR ‘Improved Director’ class locomotive number 506 ‘Butler Henderson’ running on the railway in the early 1980s with sound. The screen grab is rather blurry, but I put it in for it’s comparative rarity. R. Emmett.
Peter Cross has developed a ‘might have been’ Kingsbridge & Salcombe Railway terminus model in EM/009 gauge. It’s based on concept of a standard gauge branch to Salcombe and a 2’ gauge line from Salcombe to Modbury (based on L&B rolling stock and owned by the SR).
A single track branch line did run from a junction on the main line at South Brent between Totnes and Ivybridge down to Kingsbridge, but although authorised by an act of parliament, the continuation to Salcombe was never built.
The layout is just over 23’ long and a maximum width of 2’9”, There are five baseboards with interconnecting cabling and plugs and sockets. All the track is laid and ballasted (some featuring mixed gauge) with 30 sets of point ends all electrically powered, some with Fulgurex machines, some with Tortoise and some servo operated. It’s fully wired for both DCC or DC operation with detailed records to support maintenance. There are two Modratec lever frames with full mechanical locking and an ADM turntable. Platforms and station buildings almost complete and some scenery has been started. The layout is looking for a new home, and it’s a good size for a large garage, or a garden building. please do get back to me here if you like the look of it.

It might be possible to include this interesting old church as part of a scenic break into a OO gauge loop layout that I saw for the first time a few weeks ago. This promises to be visually effective as the configuration of the line involves standing in a central viewing position, while the railway curves around the central viewing aperture. Once there’s a bit more progress with this, I’ll post a few more pictures.

Dave Alexander gave me this 1936 GA drawing for a Metropolitan Railway Brake van a few days ago, which has a written note about installing a water tank and washbasin! This was presumably to begin modifying the van for departmental use, as goods services were to cease on the Metropolitan from 1937 onwards.

A well presented movie clip showing Semley has recently appeared on Youtube. A convincing sound track has been added to the fantastic L.S.W.R. trains using carefully chosen recordings of passing full size steam trains. The film has been produced by SDJR7F88 who also has other worthwhile railway content on his channel.
For some time now, I have taken an interest in the work of J.C.Bourne, who was a British artist, engraver and photographer, best known for his lithographs showing the construction of the great cuttings, embankments, and tunnels on both the London and Birmingham and Great Western Railways. These were recognised as achievements of great novelty and absorbing interest to the inhabitants of the metropolis, and the beauty of the drawings, and the popularity of the subject, ensured their success in publications and their sale as prints. I tend to think that each one of these should be made into an educational diorama.
He was born in London, in 1814 where his father worked as hat-maker in Covent Garden. His uncle, William Cooke, was a line engraver of some note, and after a general education, Bourne became a pupil of the landscape engraver John Pye, who specialised in illustrations for popular annuals and pocket-books.
In the early 1830s, the construction started for the London and Birmingham Railway, the first main-line railway to enter London, and this became a major source of inspiration. In 1836 he began to execute drawings of the excavations taking place on the southern part of the line between Euston and Primrose Hill Tunnel. At first these were purely for his own interest, but as they increased in number Bourne sent examples to the noted antiquarian and topographer John Britton. He travelled further afield to record and study the work further from London, eventually reaching Birmingham’s Curzon Street terminus. The set was eventually published in 1839 in four volumes, with an accompanying text by John Britton. In the 1840s, he became associated with Charles Cheffins who commissioned Bourne to produce a series of drawings depicting the Great Western, leading to the 1846 publication of ‘History of the Great Western Railway’.

Oblique Bridge at Boxmoor, printed by Day & Haghe in 1838. The bridge was brick faced with rusticated sandstone ashlar arch with strongly projecting moulded string courses, and a coped parapet. It had an elegant skew arch, and still carries the L&B rails over the Akeman Street turnpike near Hemel Hempstead, but nowadays, the area has a very different feel to Bourne’s drawing. This view is mostly obscured by an additional railway bridge, and a wide recent road bridge to support the recently constructed A41 dual carriageway, which crosses directly above the point where Bourne sketched the scene 184 years ago.

Watford Tunnel was built around 1837/8 at the insistence of local landowners who didn’t want to see a railway running across their estates. The line was obscured for 1 mile 31 yards at a cost £140,000. The print was produced by Ackermann & Co, Strand, London.

Wash drawing from a distance showing the portico at Euston Grove from April 1838, depicting the entrance to the London and Birmingham Railway’s London terminus. It features the Doric arch and lodge buildings, with the station building and platform beyond. Groups of people and carriages head towards the entrance. This was reproduced as a lithograph in ‘Drawings of The London & Birmingham Railway by John C Bourne with an Historical and Descriptive Account by John Britton FSA’ published in 1839. Printed by Day and Haghe, Lithographers to the Queen. Published by J C Bourne, 19 Lamb’s Conduit St and Ackermann and Co, Strand, London.
Whilst studying the Bourne prints, I came across this excellent resource describing the engineering and surveying of the early long distance railways. The compilation article is well worth a look if you are planning a scale model, where the cuttings, embankments, viaducts and tunnels must all take their places correctly within the contours of the natural landscape contours. While the railway is the focus of interest, it’s important to remember for the sake of modelling realism, that the land surface was there first!
6th June 2022
Nearly all my effort and time has been going into Bourne End, with continued tree production, buildings and 3D backscene layering. There are a few other small interim jobs like layout design sketches, and some other items of interest that are worthy of mention, including a Bucks Hill movie, Kingswear in P4 detailing, as well as another Kingswear in 2mm.

View looking west from the yard and the first run of post and wire fencing has gone in. The gate to the Donkey lane footpath is at the lower right foreground, and there’s a view over the river to Cockmarsh and the Thames curving round towards Marlow. This is a team effort, with Neil Podbery, Richard Ellis and Paul Rutson all beavering away.

Further along to the left, this looks over the garages to one side of Thornbie House which backed onto the the sidings. There are quite a lot more trees to go in along the towpath behind the houses, and Donkey lane can be seen in the extreme left of this view. The small access road got its name from the Thames donkeys that were used to pull boats along, and of course, this practise also passed it’s name to the Marlow branch line.

Richard Ellis has done this 6mm scale facade for one of the many houses along Wharf lane, The leaded lights can be seen above the window panes, and Neil has now weathered it and added creepers to the walls. it just needs net curtains and interior lights and its ready to go.

The greenhouse for the kitchen garden is sited just behind the signal box and lamp hut. The sidings and the Maidenhead line appear in the background.

The Royalty parade, in later years, and the cinema has become a furniture outlet with Donald the newsagents still there as well as Edward Gray’s estate agents.

Still have the interiors to do, but this is Richard’s excellent facade. Bourne End was the last town in Buckinghamshire to have a purpose-built cinema. The Royalty was opened on 1st January 1934 with Margot Graham in “I Adore You” and Bette Davis in “Ex Lady”. The auditorium ran parallel to The Parade, and was hidden behind this parade of six shop units. Seating was all on a single raked level. There was a small stage and a cafe, and boasted a car park at the rear. Always independently operated, the Royalty Cinema was eventually closed on 14th December 1957 with Yul Brynner in “The King and I”. After some redecoration, it re-opened on 6th January 1958. It finally closed on 30th May 1959 with Bob Hope in “Alias Jesse James”.

Lloyds bank overlooks Penny Corner to this very day. Richard Ellis has made the facade, and we will be fitting this into place in the next few weeks. Amazingly at the time, the land behind this and the Royalty Parade just to the left was still just pastures, meadows, hedgerows and footpaths. In the middle distance of the backscene, we’ll be showing the new estates just after their construction in the early to mid fifties.

One of the Victorian semi detached pair of houses ready for Wharf Lane with a creeper growing around the nearest bay and a darker ivy climbing the side wall.

One of David Lane’s marvellous period photos of Bourne End, featuring a series of large poster hoardings on the rear wall of the goods shed. We’ll be scanning these in and re-setting the images and copy here to replicate the posters in colour.
A few catch up pictures from Kingswear in P4…

Part of the formica signal box diagram using a very similar font to the GWR signalling diagrams of the mid to late 30s along with as much similar graphic detail to the panels of the period. The holes are positioned to take indicator lights…..2mm for route, and 3mm colour changing for signals.

Neil has now taken care of the goods yard entrance, and although you can’t see it from the normal viewing position we have a post and wire GWR boundary fence receding in scale and a simple yard gate.

Mike Casey’s version of Kingswear always included a fictitious Southern Railway platform face and Paul has decided to keep this feature as part of the restoration of Mike’s original layout. In order to finish the job, we have included a number of changes to make this look authentic, and among these are the inclusion of rail built signals.

Dart riverbank in 4mm with an old careening berth visible to the left, long disused but still present at the high tide mark. The two uprights were used to tie the boat around it’s mast or gunwales, and there would have been a platform between them and the footpath.
There are quite a number of Kingswear models about, and this is another one in progress. It’s done in 2mm scale, and coming along well.

Here’s a good ‘in progress view of the layout RH end with a section of 3D backscene in place, and a trial rear panel to see how it’s all going to balance.
Andy Glover is still working on his Gauxholme Viaduct Todmorden diorama and he’s been on a painting course in the meantime, since attending Missenden Abbey

It’s coming along very well indeed and it’s time to start adding the distance layers such as areas of woodland and buildings onto the far hillside. Andy Glover
I have some sketches to do for the foreground and the coaling stage approach road on the well researched 7mm scale ‘Hadleigh’ layout of David Bousfield.

A quick look at Hadleigh as it used to look just after the turn of the last century… this is David Bousfield’s magnificent 7mm scale model of the terminus station near the Suffolk market town, and I’ve got a few drawings to make of the locality. These will eventually address the lack of any historic photographs from certain viewpoints, filling in a few historic ‘blind spots’ of recorded visual information, and so we’ll see what can be plotted from reference, including one aerial view. The period is about 1906 and we do have period map reference to help things along. Original by Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.
We have a 4mm Diagram ‘L’ trailer etch in stock at the moment and it’s quite a detailed etch. There’s a lot of fine work to be done, but it will make a much finer end result than the moulded RTR ones. If you like the look of it, here are a few details.

This is a GWR 70ft Diagram L trailer beautifully etched in 12 thou brass sheet. The passenger section of the coach is divided into two open saloons – originally for smoking and non-smoking I think, with a lobby in the middle separating the two. Running numbers for these were 1906 42-8, and 1908 53-8, and 59-70

One of these could be super detailed to go with the trailer, perhaps with a quality EM/P4 chassis, but perhaps a finescale brass kit built example of an Edwardian 0-4-2T would be a worthy companion instead.

We have placed an order for a Sonic Models Great Central Railway Robinson A5 class tank locomotive in the Great Central Railway green livery. We’re looking forward to that, and by the way, if you do have any 4mm scale GCR stock you don’t need anymore, give me a call or email.

We also have one of these beauties from Locomotion Models, and it should look good eventually with a rake of teak carriages.

For any modellers who are interested in the Brill tramway, I do have a few old 7mm models for sale including wagons and carriages so by all means get in touch and I’ll send you an illustrated list.
We have now done the first day of filming at Bucks Hill, and Dave Roberts will be editing the footage soon. hopefully we’ll have 20 minutes of good footage, and there’s still at least another day to do. I will then come up with a guide to do a reasonable ‘voice over’ so still a fair bit of work involved to make a decent job of it.

We might use this old postcard image I did a few years ago as an introduction frame for the forthcoming Bucks Hill ‘movie’.

I’m hoping some of the early stock will be filmed in monotone, and this is the slightly faded look I’m after. No 3405 ‘Empire of India’ appears in the un-lined early 1930s livery, gently weathered by Martyn Welch. Original by Barry Norman.

The famous Armstrong 4-4-0s were nominal renewals of four of Dean’s “experimental locomotives”, Nos. 7, 8, 14 and 16, thus explaining the early numbers. Had it not been for the recent derailing of one of his 3001 Class 2-2-2s in Box Tunnel, they would probably have been rebuilt as unremarkable 2-2-2s, but the adoption of Dean bogies and double-curved running plates resulted in an exceptionally handsome design. This engine will appear along with a Dean Single, double heading a Down Express train consisting of a set of pristine bogie clerestory carriages.
6th March 2022

A pair of covered vans shunted into a goods yard siding. You can see where I’m still working on the backdrop in this view.

A view of Thornbie House looking North. Richard has taken care of this quite complicated building for us and it will be returning to his workshop to have the interior lights fitted, along with Brooksby and the Platt which were the 3 main large dwellings visible between the Thames Railway bridge and the Marlow Donkey branch line as it curved along the riverbank and NW on its way to Marlow. Richard Ellis/Monks Gate Models

This overview shows the Thames curving round towards the North West and Marlow. It’s a little blurry once enlarged, but it has still helped a good deal in plotting out the surroundings of Bourne End Station.

Looking North this time, showing the junction quite clearly. The houses and gardens backing onto the line are visible, and I have now worked out the other roads behind as part of the backdrop.

Lloyds Bank overlooked Penny Corner in 1955, and the building does still survive today. Perhaps the oddest thing was that apart from the new Royalty Parade situated just to the West, directly behind and around these buildings were just open fields and orchards, with footpaths between.

This was Wharf Lane as it used to look, and practically all of this has survived the years without major alteration. This does make backscene research much easier!

Cliveden Reach, looking north along the Thames in a miniature painting I did some years ago. This magical place remains unchanged today and it appears about two miles down stream of Bourne End.
There were actually 6 participants at this year’s Spring Missenden Abbey scenics and backscenes course this time, and we had a slightly posher room than normal.

Here’s the backscenes and scenics department in full swing! It turned out to be a very good weekend, with a number of test sections and dioramas making progress. Chris Hopper.

Terry Kempton did a test section for his new layout, taking influence from a romantic english landscape postcard

I have been pestering modellers to look at the exterior presentation of the layouts and dioramas and while of course it doesn’t make any difference to the content, it has all sorts of effects on the overall presentation, whether it’s on the dining table at home or on show in a museum setting. It’s often nice to see a sympathetic ‘picture frame’ helping to enhance the display.

Not a corner of Rickmansworth locomotive sidings in the 1930s, but a collection of marvellous 5 inch gauge Metropolitan railway Metro Vick electric locomotives. Dave Alexander lent me this photograph and I’d thought I scan it in to show you.

Cloud Walker is a newly established drone filming and photography service, offered by my good friend and colleague Richard Chetland who has done many photo sessions at Bucks Hill, and Westcott. If you would like any of this kind of aerial recording undertaken, for backscene, or promotional work, do please get in touch…… either here, or via e-mail.
Tony Hammond has recently bought a CPL F16 Toplight slip composite etch in 7mm scale, and he very kindly sent in a gallery of his recent main line steam photos, so I thought they would be worth including.

This photo of No 6233 Duchess of Sutherland was taken on Saturday the 12th March 2022 and has just left Moorcock Tunnel and is crossing Lunds Viaduct on the Settle & Carlisle Railway whilst working the Cumbrian Mountaineer, having joined the train at Hellifield that morning. Tony Hammond.

Here, No 7029 Clun Castle is approaching Cosford Station on the morning of the 5th March 2022 whilst working the Welsh Marches from Tyseley to Hereford. Tony Hammond.
We have placed another order for a Lee Marsh engine, and this time, it’s a GWR Castle class engine No 4088 Dartmouth Castle, in original 1925 condition.
We have also managed to find a very fine O gauge model of a South Eastern & Chatham Railway Wainwright Class ‘D’ ‘Coppertop’ 4-4-0 No. 736. This is by Lee Marsh (produced by SMT Models, Korea) and is in fully lined S.E.&.C.R. green livery, fitted with fully working inside motion and superb cab detail. It’s also fitted with DCC and sound. This locomotive is number 2 of a limited number which I think consisted of 65 models, the production run having now sold out. I’m certainly looking forward to giving this a run at Bucks Hill.

Coal has been neatly added to the tender, and cab crew (driver/fireman) are provided but not currently fitted. The prototype was one of a class of 50 locos, entering service in December 1901 from Ashford Works. It was subsequently rebuilt as one of the more powerful class D1 in 1913 or later by Richard Maunsell (with a Belpaire firebox). It eventually became Southern Railway No. 1736 and BR number 31736 (one of 28 passing into BR ownership), subsequently withdrawn from Ashford shed in December 1950. Number 737 is preserved in the National Collection. Steamline Models.

Before they become too hard to find, I thought I’d get one of these, as a big Robinson devotee, and I had it all checked over by Mick Moignard the other day. It’s a Bachmann 31-147DS G.C.R. Class 11F No 502 ‘Zeebrugge with DCC Sound, made in OO Gauge.
I used to do loads of quickly sketched out visuals for proposed racecars, and I found a pile of them whilst rummaging through some stuff for Missenden Abbey. These are known as ‘doorslammer’ cars, (referring to the means of entry). This arrangement isn’t universal for quarter mile cars, for instance, the entire bodies of funny cars and competition altered entries hinge from the rear to allow access, and dragsters and roadsters are simply entered via open cockpit apertures.

This stepside truck would have been a modified fibre glass reproduction of a fifties Chevy pickup, but lowered, stretched, sectioned, and channelled over a tubular space frame chassis. Before the days of air canister shifted transmissions, cars like this had to be gear shifted by hand at lightning speed, using a separate lever for each of the three or four ratios.

This one never came to be, but it was based around the ill fated Ford Cougar sports coupe, which never caught on as a production car. It actually lent itself quite well to become a good ‘Pro Modified’ once it had been re-configured though, and you can see the supercharged big block sketched in, positioned to fit within the rules of the class.

Here’s a recent build by Nigel Smith, and I thought this came out very well in black and white. The locomotive is a Hawksworth Modified Hall No 7918 ‘Rhose Wood Hall’, which was built at Swindon, and finished at the end of April 1950. It was based at 84E Tyseley shed, and it’s seen here on the well known 82G layout by the Warley M.R.C. Ian Rathbone.
I found this small Cambridge Kings College Chapel gouache painting recently, and if you would like it, by all means get in touch. It shows the view looking north along Kings Parade, and it’s how the famous college would have appeared around 1900. The iron railings have now gone and some trees have grown, but otherwise the aspect is little different today. Plans for the chapel were first drawn up in the 1440s according to instructions from Henry VI, whose statue stands in the college’s front court. It was inspired by a visit to Winchester Cathedral and was always conceived on a vast scale.

The first stone of the Chapel had been laid by the 25 July 1446, and by the end of the reign of Richard III, five bays had been completed. Various crises in the royal finances caused multiple delays, and for several decades it stood only partially built in the heart of Cambridge. Henry VII visited in 1506, paying for the work to resume, even leaving money so that the work could continue after his death. In 1515, under Henry VIII, the building was complete but the fine medieval stained glass great windows had yet to be made. It features the world’s largest fan vault, constructed by master mason John Wastell.
A few interesting links that caught my eye over the past few months……..

This is by ‘History in 3D’ and it appears to be the most extensive, detailed and accurate virtual 3D reconstruction of Ancient Rome. You can see the whole centre of the Eternal City from the air, as well as other significant areas, such as Campus Martius, or Trastevere (Transtiberim). You can also see the Forum, The Colosseum, The Imperial Forums (Fori Imperiali), as well as famous baths, theatres, temples and palaces. About 40% of all Rome, as it looked in IV AD, has been plotted so far.

I’m really not a huge fan of aircraft, especially commercial ‘airbuses’, but the level of realism presented in this flight simulation is just superb.
We have now had a meeting to discuss a film to record some of the activity and modelling at Bucks Hill and I’m looking forward to planning this with Kevin. The initial thought is to do maybe 3 segments covering all the different aspects of the layout, and this will now take place over the next few months. I’ll try and include some of the research as well as some monotone clips. and we’ve already made a good start by finding good some still images and writing a narrative voice over.

A Lee Marsh large prairie tank loco, recently weathered by Neil. it has a relatively clean boiler barrel ring nearest the smoke box, and then the other part of the boiler has been left untouched and grimy – including the safety valve cover. Thanks to David Thomas (the loco’s owner) for the photograph taken as the engine runs light on the up main at Ewyas Harold.

Southern Railway Urie N15 King Arthur class No 30740 ‘Merlin’ from 71A Eastleigh shed is seen here in early B.R. livery, heading west with wooden vans.

A view to distance at Kenderchurch. View blockers like the large trees at either side make it easier to go convincingly round a convex curve on a rear panel, as they help to distract the eye from any foreshortening to either side.

A colleague of mine recently phoned and pointed out that my book was available on the well known American Micro-mark hobby website, so if you do happen to reading this as an American / Canadian resident it might be a convenient shopping opportunity.
4th January 2022
Apologies for not updating lately, It has been a very busy few months, including more 3D work at Bourne End and re-stocking the CPL stand for an outing to the Wootton Bassett event at the Memorial Hall. We were kindly allowed an additional space to one side of our normal CPL trade stand to display a number of extra items, so thanks to Nigel Smith of Omen Figures for putting on the event, and please do see their latest news at
There is also some design work to do on a number of other projects, including a name logo for a colleague’s dragster and some forced perspective arrangement sketches for a commercial display in London’s West End.
Still plenty to do on Bourne End, and I have managed to progress the first two wall panels. There’s a great deal of other activity with scale buildings, autumn trees, point rodding, telegraph poles, and stock preparation as well.

Study of roof tops to distance including Wharf Lane, Oakfield Road, Sailing Club Rd, Lock Bridge Rd, and the new Chalklands Estate on rising ground to the R.H. side middle distance. This is without any autumn foliage or lighting as yet but just basically positioned for Bourne End’s first rear wall panel.

The Chalklands Estate rises in the middle distance on Bourne End’s backscene. This was built by a local property developer, A D Jameson, who owned the whole estate. As houses were built and plots were sold, the company ended up owning just the road, pavements and the grassed strips fronting the plots.

This map gives a rough idea of the expansion of the estates, particularly to the north of the station, which is the main direction of view for this railway.

Neil has now done the weathering on 5 Dapol 7mm scale BR vans, as an addition to the goods stock, They are now accurate to the ‘55 time period by removing the TOPS panels and replacing them with some excellent transfers from the Railtec Range.

One of Richard Ellis’s marvellous frontages ready for bedding into Wharf Lane. We’re not quite ready to fit some of these yet because we still have to arrange the LED lighting, but it’s going to be fine to just provide a level plateau for the time being while we wait for confirmation of LED type, dimmers, resisters etc

3D progression in progress on the next panel, looking NNW from station. The foreground will rest against these layers, partially obscuring some of them and there’s plenty more to do, but what we’re basically looking at here is the 1955 extent of the Chalklands Estate seen to the extreme left, and the detached houses along Blind Lane from there to middle. The municipal housing of Roman Way, Evenlode Road, Waborne Avenue, Cherwell Road and Loddon Road. The new Spring Gardens lock up garages are layered in, and the south facing buildings along the parade will appear in front, progressing to Wharf Lane and the Marlow donkey station loop.
Neil, Nigel and Paul are all still working on Kingswear, and I will be back before too long to work out some more detailing and to deliver the formica signal box diagram panel, which needs to be hand done in GWR style.
Good progress lately, having practically finished the surface texturing of the yard and begun locating signal positions. The river bed has been prepared and coloured and now has it’s final water treatment. The first of the ’Southern’ signals still have to be installed so there won’t be any need to reach over the yard area.
At some point, we’ll think about doing a Youtube channel, especially when some of the new additions to the locomotive stable start to come in. I’ll put a few pictures of progress here, accompanied by some of Paul’s captions.

‘No. 4283 brings a rake of suburban stock, (including one carriage freshly re-painted in the new BR livery), through Britannia on a local passenger service bound for Kingswear. Apologies to anyone who spots the incorrect loco head code – we promise eventually to get the correct locos pulling the correct trains, but our excuse is that until now we’ve been too busy building a railway!

Looking South East with station and Royal Dart Hotel in foreground. The goods depot at the back of the station was under the charge of Mr Penwarden receiving all the incoming and out-going goods and luggage. In those days, it could be dispatched in advance by GWR to your destination anywhere in the district, and delivered in the two lorries and three vans based at Kingswear Station.

The water surface has now been done by Neil, and the scenic break is basically ready. There’s a run of fencing still to do, and maybe some children playing near the Bath house.

‘It became common practice for railway and ferry staff, and probably some employees of the Royal Dart Hotel, among others, to park their personal vehicles alongside the coaling sidings’.

Having delivered empty coal wagons onto the quayside ready for loading, Dukedog No. 9003 moves the brake van onto the adjacent siding, to await eventual re-attachment to the departing train once loaded. The trains took coal to Torquay Gas works and Newton Abbot Power Station, and a barge went over to Dartmouth Gas works.

Whilst our understanding is that the layout was originally intended to depict the scene as it was in 1947, we’ll give ourselves a little leeway around this date, say from 1947 to 1951 or ’52, which does allow for the introduction of some early BR stock. A Pannier tank engine is ready to depart.
It would appear that all the place reservations for Missenden Abbey’s Spring 2020 weekend backscene and landscape course are now taken, but do keep an eye out for any cancellations in their latest news. They have also updated some of the pages with a new slideshow.
After 14 years as a regular tutor at Missenden Railway Modellers weekends and with an important role at the Summer Retreat, Barry Norman is hanging up his tutor’s badge to concentrate more on his own projects. Barry first ran his “Art of Scenery” course at Missenden Abbey in 2007 and we are very grateful to him for his support over many years.

A simple 2D test panel is an ideal exercise for a weekend, like this insert backing card for a small cabinet display.

There’s no reason for a backscene to remain anonymous if you want to make a statement about the surroundings of your railway. This painting by George Cole could easily inspire a model with narrow gauge wagons on a quayside.

This 2D rear panel was worked out from a period Ordnance Survey map, and as long as we have a horizon line datum for your project and some reference, it’s often a good idea to do a short test panel to gain a bit of practice and confidence before setting out on the full set of panels. Philip Hall/ Model Railway Journal.

It’s fine to plan a diorama at Missenden, either as a static display such as this example, or a wired up working scene that can go to exhibitions in the back of a normal car. If you do like the look of this one by Richard Ellis of Monks Gate Models, I’m told it is for sale.

For those who prefer the pillar drill and the soldering iron, there’s always expert advice to be taken from the experts in locomotive construction. This is a chassis by Kevin Wilson for an M.O.K. De-Glehn Atlantic.
It looks as though we might have to miss out on the first half of the Wild Bunch season this year, but hopefully we can get ready for the summer.
I found these drawings among a pile of CPL papers, and I thought they might come in handy for the modellers of GWR post and wire fencing.
Ian Statham has made a bracket signal for his diorama, and it has added interest to the scene.
A few pictures from Andrew Cowie’s cabinet dioramas
19th October 2021
Mostly still working on the large Bourne End project, but I don’t have many pictures yet as it still looks like a building site! There have been a few breaks though, including a long weekend with American Pie, and a short holiday in and around Sidmouth. I do have a few pictures very kindly sent in by Andrew Cowie, and we can see some of the models from his collection shown in the various cabinet dioramas.

A pair of Andrew’s wonderful 7mm scale locomotives rest in the new shed interior diorama. The Armstrong designed 0-6-0 ‘850’ class saddle tank No 997 was from an extensive class built at Wolverhampton between 1874 and 1895. They proved to be extremely useful and popular locomotives thanks to their lively performance and wide route availability. In light of this, they had an incredibly long life, with the last of them being withdrawn as pannier tanks as late as 1951! The model was built some time ago by Tony Reynalds, with a three panel water tank, and it’s shown here in the Swindon dark Brunswick green livery, lined on cab, with Indian red lower detail and no company insignia. It shares the display cabinet with an Adams 0415 class radial tank No 415. Originally rostered for London suburban traffic, the class was soon displaced to the countryside by Drummond’s M7 class. Most were scrapped around the end of the First World War, and were due to be withdrawn by 1929. However, they turned out to be ideal for the severely curved Lyme Regis branch line, and three were retained for this duty until 1962, when suitable replacements became available. One has survived and can be found on the Bluebell Railway. Andrew Cowie

Another view of the 1882 built Beyer Peacock Adams Radial 4-4-2T. These were initially outshopped in early LSWR passenger Yellow Ochre/Brown livery with the initials ‘LSW’ on the water tank sides but it’s not a commonly modelled scheme. The later ‘Passenger Sage Green’ livery is usually adopted, with brown edging and black and white lining. Numbering was done in gilt. Andrew Cowie

The Swindon, Marlborough and Andover Railway obtained a single example of a Fairlie 0-4-4T to augment the three existing 0-6-0T engines already at work. After a short trial period, the locomotive was bought for £1000, and began work as No 4. It was quite a success at first, but there were a series of reliability problems later on, as well as high maintenance costs and coal consumption issues. It makes for a fascinating model though, and it’s seen here in the platform of the Chisledon Station diorama. Andrew Cowie

I rather like the lighting on this photo, and it shows the left hand end of the Chedworth diorama including the local stone built village school house which still exists today.

This GWR King Class 4-6-0 was recently finished by Tony, and I arranged the diorama so that the locomotive could rest in a comfortable viewing position while have its tender replenished from the drab looking coaling stage. Andrew Cowie

The Midland South Western Junction 2-6-0 engines were built by Beyer Peacock to the same basic drawings as a class supplied to the New South Wales Government Railways. The first of two engines was delivered on 31st May 1895, and the cramped footplate conditions became unpopular with crews. Apart from the cab, the engines were perfectly good and able to pull trains of up to 60 wagons along the steeply graded line, but the small wheel diameters made these two goods engines quite unsuitable for passenger work Andrew Cowie

In December 1881, the board of the Swindon Marlborough and Andover Railway Company recognised the need to source three new engines, and a standard Beyer Peacock design was deemed suitable. They were to be numbered 5 – 7 and were delivered the following year. They turned out to be quite satisfactory in service only suffering from some poor riding, particularly when running bunker first. Not surprisingly, there are a great many similarities to the Metropolitan and District Railway 4-4-0Ts of the same period, and this particular locomotive is displayed in the later lined lake livery of the MSWJR. Andrew Cowie

Richard Ellis has recently built a new diorama, and it features a bit more of an ‘open country’ feel. Neil has done the natural scenic cover and I came up with a rear panel to lend a bit of distance. By all means have a look at Richard’s FB page using the link below if you like the look of it.
The Missenden Abbey Modellers Spring 2022 weekend has been confirmed as running from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th of March, and hopefully it will go ahead without any further setbacks. It is expected that the content will broadly reflect our traditional spring weekend offerings of
4mm Locomotive & Kit Construction
7mm Locomotive & Kit Construction
Painting & Lining
Scenery & Backscenes
This course list is provisional, however, and there may be other courses that will run alongside these to be announced in the coming weeks.
Courses are residential on a full board basis but if you live locally, you can come in daily at a reduced fee. Non-residential attendance still include lunches and evening meals. We run two weekends a year.
We aim to help you build a model or develop a project that’s well on its way to completion by the time you go home – and, above all, to enjoy yourself. Though not generally suitable for the outright beginner, the courses are ideal for the modeller with basic skills or knowledge wanting to make further progress or feeling their working methods need refreshment. It’s an ideal opportunity for existing modellers to enhance their skills etc. If you want to ask about the suitability of any course please do use the contact page. We particularly welcome modellers returning to the hobby, keen to make up lost ground after years devoted to family and career. Here’s a quick link to some of the illustrated articles from last years online event, Some of the pages have the odd gap here & there, but the content is the main thing!

We can prepare and paint a short test section of backscene for your layout at a Missenden Spring Weekend. This is a 2D example, and it’s blended into the scale scenery to get the job done in a small space. Philip Hall/Model Railway Journal

Now and again, I come across interesting CGI animations more or less by chance, and with an eye for realism this Spitfire simulation beckoned me. The chap who narrates the animation clearly knows his stuff and I found myself swept away by the knowledgeable and enthusiastic narrative as well as the very convincing portrayal. By all means give it a try using the link below. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Neil, Paul and Nigel are still working on Kingswear and I will be back before too long to work out some more detailing and to pick up the formica signal box diagram panel, which needs to be hand painted in GWR style.

This background shows the look of Kingswear with it’s wharves and houses in the last few years of the GWR. It looks a lot more brightly coloured and touristy nowadays, but that’s really where the interest of backscene work comes into play. It’s all about studying the reference material and winding back the clock. Paul Woodward.

A number of suitable carriages have recently been acquired to make up a local passenger service, and these have now been re-wheeled and checked. Some would have appeared in plain chocolate brown livery after the war and would have perhaps looked a bit tatty, so we’ll consult the reference photos to make sure we have the right balance. Paul Woodward.

Study of the end of a yard siding, relatively little used and becoming surrounded by foliage. Neil Podbery.

Our last event for this season was the ‘Hot Rod Drags’ three day gathering and we suffered a run of unlucky setbacks this time. This happens to a great many people and it’s all part and parcel of trying to get a dragster to behave itself. We increased the timing advance to attain a higher cylinder pressure, which seemed to work very well, but it contributed to the eventual failure of the starter motor pinion shaft. Although we successfully rebuilt the starter. we were unable to make any passes on the Friday and after a great burnout (Captured by Pudgeys Pics) ….we then suffered an incurable oil leak on the Saturday preventing any further participation.
For more dragster photos, see Pudgeys pictures

This view of Dunscombe Cliffs appeared on one of the delightful cliff paths that we walked on our recent holiday, from a viewpoint fairly close to the 565 ft summit of Salcombe Hill. Below the cliffs at this point is Hook Ness where the waves have lifted the silt into the shallow water. We were constantly rewarded with similarly beautiful vistas throughout South East Devon.

This ‘Generate a panorama’ plot indicates that there is a visible land mass to be viewed in the far distance on clear days, including Wyke Regis in south Dorset. The village is part of the south western suburbs of Weymouth, on the northern shore of Portland Harbour and the south-eastern end of Chesil Beach
I recently came across a collection of colour plates of mid-Victorian locomotives, painted by artist and model-maker Ernest Twining. They were bound into a ‘Historic Locomotives’ volume by Alfred Rosling Bennett, and published by Cassell in 1906.
Ernest Twining was born in Bristol and originally trained as a telephone engineer. He established a commercial art studio in London, where, as a side-line, he branched out into designing and making model aircraft, then expanding to the manufacture of full size gliders.
His model-making work brought him into contact with Bassett-Lowke, for whom he did sub-contract work. In 1920 he founded Twining Models at Northampton, which manufactured glass-case models of industrial, architectural, advertising and transport themes.
Twining was active in the worlds of model railways, art and design, aeronautics, astronomy and photography, ships and ship models, as well as stained glass windows, which can be found at Holy Trinity Church Hall, St Edmunds at Hardingstone, St Francis de Sales at Wolverton and in the Northampton Museum.

One of the plates features an E.B. Wilson ‘Jenny Lind’ type engine built for the London Brighton and South Coast Railway. Locomotive No 122 stands out here against a wintry background, expertly painted by Twining. These 2-2-2 passenger engines were designed by David Joy and were capable of mile a minute regular service speed if necessary with their 6ft driving wheels. These elegant machines, sometimes with polished mahogany boiler lagging and fluted domes and safety valve casings were to become a design classic. The subtle tones and frozen winter trees and grasses lend a natural realism to the scene, but I expect the crew would have been glad of the small fire whilst doing 60mph with no cab!

This still is from a wonderful series of short black & white films made by Jack Shaw, a volunteer on the Quorn & Woodhouse station team. They perfectly capture the style of British Transport films from the 1950s, but the footage was actually taken last year, but it’s still very much alive today (in 3D technicolour!) as the volunteers recreate scenes like this all year round at the Great Central Railway.
29th August 2021
Another busy couple of months, mostly doing Bourne End, but without any doubt, the worst event since the last update was the very sad loss of my friend and Missenden colleague, Mick Bonwick. I’ll let the official announcement from Missenden echo my own sentiment on this one.
“It is with great regret that we have to announce that Missenden Railway Modellers organiser and weathering tutor Mick Bonwick has died. We are sure all those who have attended our events at Missenden Abbey, met Mick at various model railways exhibitions or interacted with him via our virtual events will share in the sadness that his family and those involved with Mick feel at this time. All of our thoughts go out to his wife Anne and the rest of his family.”
A few photos from the Bourne End job, which is going fine. I’m doing the rear panels and a few boat models, while Neil and Richard are progressing the scenic cover and buildings.

This building forms a pair of shopfronts at the corner of Wharf Lane and Bourne End’s High Street. Some of this has been painted white now, but we don’t think it was painted in the 50’s, and accordingly, we have kept the original brick. Richard Ellis has also taken care of this one for us, and Wharf Lane is quite forgiving, in that the South facing facades have changed very little since late Victorian times. Richard Ellis/Monks Gate Models.

Autumn trees appear along the skyline behind Cockmarsh and the Thames, I’m having to co-ordinate the colours to match Neil’s 3D work which appears in the foreground but that’s fine, it’s all part of the job, and it’s quite entertaining because you don’t see many layouts rendered in autumn colours.

It’s possible to display a period map alongside a modern day satellite view using the National Library of Scotland reference page, which automatically splits the screen showing the OS building outlines (shown here as solid black), and compare it with a companion cursor to pinpoint which buildings were in existence at the chosen layout period and which newer additions hadn’t appeared yet. The feature is a very useful tool when you’re trying to date a particular building and check it against your chosen layout period.

The house backs, gardens, washing lines and gutter pipes appear behind the kitchen gardens and allotments, and in the ’50s, there were far fewer houses on the North facing side of Wharf Lane.

This large 3 gabled house now forms the Bourne End Medical Centre near the High Street end of Wharf Lane. We are fairly close to finishing this particular row of facades, the building was scaled into the diorama as a mock up, slightly under sized of course, and armed with this as a guide Richard Ellis has produced the facade beautifully for us in all its well researched detail.

High Wycombe’s Market Square has managed to escape the sweeping changes that have completely altered the rest of the town The ex GWR station is fairly near the square and has been brilliantly modelled by Tim Peacock. Maidenhead trains via Bourne End used to depart from a bay platform to the South of the four track main lines.

A quick sketch of the view over High Wycombe looking North West. The contours and skyline can be set to the horizon datum, and Amersham Hill appears quite clearly on the ‘Generate a Panorama’ profile, looking North.
Kingswear is still coming on with Paul, Neil, Nigel and Peter Silvester, getting the jobs done. Most of the scenics are finished, but there’s still plenty to do, and here are some more progress pics. We also had our first invited gathering, which generated plenty of praise and positive support, That will be the first of many I’m sure, so thanks to all the participants who made the day such a success.
It’ll be time for a snagging list soon, with a plan to include all the small details…… lamps, poles. clutter, and of course boats, with some larger ones appearing near the bath house, and smaller scale ones at the creek. We’ll also get Neil going on some vehicles/vans etc, and a few figures for the yard. There are some items set aside already so these can go on fairly soon, but the rest of the signals need doing now, as well as the river water, which is the last major job.

Here’s an up to date view of the scenic break, including Greenway’s famous bath house, now nicely bedded into it’s scenic cover. This, along with a small stone rubble boathouse adjoining it, was constructed in the late 18th, or early 19th century to the south-east of Greenway House. The bathhouse comprises a lower storey, also of slate rubble, with arched round brick openings containing a rectangular stone-lined sunken plunge bath with an iron balustrade and steps down. This was built into a jettied stone basement at beach level with three round-headed sluices allowing sea water to enter the bath by a sluice at high tide. A rendered and shingled upper storey, with arched brick openings to the north, south and west facades provided a sitting room above, built with a small chimney piece to fireplace on it’s side wall, and an open balcony facing the river. The building was formerly thatched. but now has a shingle roof over single gable and balcony.

Coal wagons loaded and ready for transfer to Torquay Gasworks, in the charge of ‘Dukedog’ Class No.9003, now beautifully weathered by Neil. We are extremely fortunate to have acquired the exquisite dockside electric cranes, built by Gordon Gravett specifically for this layout, but will delay their installation until all detailing work has been completed around the station area. Paul Woodward

Peter Silvester has been a Godsend to the project, and this is a ‘Grange’ class engine still in progress, having all it’s P4 equipment aligned and fitted. Kingswear did see a lot of these engines during the 40’s period, so it’s a vital addition to the ever growing fleet. Peter Silvester

‘4283’ having perhaps unusually brought the ‘Torbay’ into Kingswear (possibly an engine change at Newton Abbott as a result of technical problems?!!) prepares to reverse back over the engine release crossover to run round its train. Note the newly installed station canopy, still awaiting final weathering. Paul Woodward.

Rear panel, looking out to sea, with One Gun Point, St Petrox Church and Warfleet Creek to the right. The cleared fields rise up from Warfleet creek over Weeke Hill (at centre).

Higher Ferry now with tide mark included at riverbank and ramp. The ferry guide cables are now in place and this section of the line has been re-ballasted and tested, so it’s pretty much ready to go from here to the scenic break. Paul Woodward.

Slamming the van door for the last time before we set off. The van is loaded to the roof with oil, fuel, tools and everything else needed to get the three of us through a long race weekend. Now did I remember my toothbrush?

Between our allotted race time slots, and during waiting periods for either rain showers or track oil downs, visitors to the strip are encouraged to visit the pit side of the track. This is a good thing, as it encourages members of the public to learn about the workings of the various types of quarter mile vehicles. Now and again, it’s fun to let kids sit in the car to experience the view from the hot seat and show them the differences in control systems to normal cars. Here’s Harry Jennings doing just that, and who knows, maybe one day he’ll have his own dragster..
Skip to 5:58.00 to see us run.
Mr Trevor Pott has very kindly sent in a few photographs of some Torbay Coaches from his GWR carriage collection. They are absolutely fantastic, and here are just a couple of them to show just how good you can get 4mm scale models to look once you have the experience.

Another one showing a pair of carriages coupled, Cleverly, the wire for the train hoses actually does the coupling job. The sides and ends for these were drawn and etched by Carl Legg. Mr Trevor Pott.
A few from Bucks Hill, but old ones again as I can’t seem to get the gatherings as often lately due to dragster commitments.

This marvellous City Class engine has just been weathered by Neil and I’m looking forward to getting a few snaps of it and some appropriate stock when we all get back together at Bucks Hill. I had to miss the last one, but hopefully there won’t be any more date clashes in the near future.

A small forge appears below the embankment alongside the road to Kenderchurch. This is opposite the point where the Golden Valley line heads North to wend it’s way towards Abbeydore, and the other rural stations between there and Hay on Wye. Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.

This section through a backscene has recently been done by Dave Gower and I thought that I’d include it even though it is completely the ‘wrong’ view point, it’s a great example of a profile transition between the scale layout and the currently 2D scene behind. By the time this is all blended in with static grass and reduced scale elements such as hedgerows, fences, fields etc this will provide a really effective transition between the 2 and 3D landscape work.
29th June 2021
Making progress mostly on the nine large rear panels for Bourne End, along with a few smaller jobs interspersed. Both Richard Ellis and Neil Podbery have undertaken some of the work off site, and naturally, we will be re-convening from time to time as the scenic cover and backscene work progresses. It was great to catch up with Norman Solomon recently, who was also just finishing a session of on site work on the trackwork and signalling.
There are a few pictures of recent progress here, but there’s nothing quite finished yet as it’s such a physically large job.
I’ll be back at Kingswear pretty soon as a couple of jobs have cropped up in the meantime, and I have a number of recent photos from Paul, Nigel and Neil, but I’ll start with some of the latest work on Bourne End.

The large aluminium rear panels are seen here, pretty much ready for skyline painting, and it’ll be one of the priority jobs to get these done so that we don’t end up to having to lift them into position over a load of delicate foreground modelling.
We’ll be teaming up to depict a short section of the Thames at the left hand end of the panorama, in the ‘V’ of the junction between the line heading south towards Maidenhead, and the branch line following the river west to the terminus at Marlow.

Looking upstream, as the Thames curves around to the west, it passes Spade Oak, and approaches Marlow, which can just be seen in the distance. Winter Hill rises above Cockmarsh to the south, and the trees break the skyline, some with bare autumn branches against a pale sky with clouds to distance.

A ply insert has been done by Richard, to match a foamboard mockup, and this will eventually become a removable 3D ‘river’ section. We’ll be able to drop it in below bank level, and represent moored boats and landings. A series of building facades can be included on the opposite bank, and these have been mocked up as card patterns. This section will appear as a middle distance 3D layer below the painted rear panel shown previously. Richard Ellis/Monk’s Gate Models.

A similar oblique view of the southern riverbank, with bungalows and moorings. Cockmarsh and Spade Oak are in the background.

An old gouache picture of Marlow regatta with people messing about in boats, and crowds of onlookers lining the banks.
Beyond the lineside allotments lay the fences and back gardens of Wharf Lane’s north facing dwellings and I’ve managed to take care of the house backs with their kitchen doors, drain pipes and washing lines, mostly from aerial view reference and fifties mapping. South of Wharf Lane, it’s changed a lot, and all the allotment land is now occupied with newer housing. Richard Ellis has helped to speed things up by researching and producing a set of facades for the large detached houses visible opposite, in the second layer of the backscene, which has changed rather less since then.

This impressive facade luckily still exists today and it graces the south facing row at Wharf Lane. At this stage all the houses are just outer shells and we do have the lighting to install. It’s going to look fine once Neil has blended it into the scene with hedges, pavements and so on. Richard Ellis/Monk’s Gate Models.

Another example of a large, detached property made for us by Richard, which also faces south near Wharf Lane’s Eastern end. All these are done at about 6mm scale, to help the illusion of distance, and the subsequent focal layers behind, progressively reduce in scale. Richard Ellis/Monk’s Gate Models.

At the back of Wharf Lane, a small electrical supply substation was tucked in between the back gardens and I have opted to use one of Andy Duncan’s transformers. It’s actually tucked in between two small L shaped brick outhouses.
Kingswear is really taking shape now, and it’s well worth putting in a few posed train shots, along with some from Neil showing the new sea wall and riverbank cover. Now that the points are all sorted and operational, some tidying up of wiring under the baseboards can be done, and connecting up the new lever frame can begin. We can start thinking about getting the lower panelling in with some suitable vertical tongue and groove matchboarding which should work well for the presentation facade.
The other main task is to finalise the design of the signal box diagram. We’ll get all the signal positions marked and the holes for route and signal indicator led’s, just to be sure everything is sorted, before painting the final version onto a sheet of cream formica.

Seen from the river level, here’s a view of the Greenway Bath house, with the ferry crossing further along the bank.

From the same location, but higher up, a train passes Britannia Halt, and the river silt has now been represented with the tide out, as far as the water line. Notably, the Britannia shelter is missing in these views, just temporarily removed to allow better access for imminent ballasting and the final track detailing.

The Sea wall is now done, as well as most of the silt, seaweed and tide mark, so it’s just a question of keeping going with the detailing work like telegraph poles, fencing and footpaths. A disused careening berth appears in the foregound.

Only telegraph poles, fencing, water surface, figures and boats to add for a finish then…… aside from a Star class engine to burst out of the tunnel of course!
Certainly beginning to glimpse the finishing line, but there are still plenty of locos to build, not to mention more boats, and finishing and generally snagging the yard area.

So far, an embryo ‘Torbay Express’ has safely negotiated the line in both directions, and undergone trials of shunting into its overnight accommodation on Hoodown Sidings. We’ll need to get some more weathering sorted, probably starting with this Hawksworth rake, and it’s quite possible they will also require some more detailing as well.

This shows the Dart Valley western bank, with the ferry approach road climbing up between the trees in the background.

A short train of ‘empties’, most of which have now been beautifully weathered by Neil, heading for loading at the quayside before a return working to Torquay Gasworks.
A number of enthusiastic and knowledgeable historians of the Kingswear and South Hams locality have been contributing information and advice. None more so than Mr T. Pott, who also sent some photos of his lovely ‘Churston for Brixham’ model, depicting an earlier period of Devon railway history.

A recently completed Torbay Express, running as a Down train. The weathering will be left off for a while, wishing to see it pristine on the layout for a while, sorting out the couplings, sidings and
trains and getting it all running with no problems. T. Pott

Churston now has it’s three most important trains, the Torbay, the Torquay Gas works coal and the Brixham Auto train. Mr T.Pott.

The engine is of course John Hayes work, with lining by Alan Brackenborough, and it’s
about fourteen years old now. The Dining Twin is by Rocar (Rodney Cooper)
and is about twenty years old. The painting and lining of the other coaches is by Ian
Rathbone, and the lettering is Methfix transfers. Mr T. Pott.
American Pie has now been reassembled and restarted after it’s dynamometer exam, and it sounds a lot better. I’m working to get everything ready for the upcoming Dragstalgia event at Santa Pod Raceway, and we’ll see how it goes. Here’s a pic of our Plymouth ‘426’ Hemi having it’s Hilborn fuel injection tweaked. The optimum air/fuel ratio for methanol is about 7 to 1, and as it turned out, the setup was too fat (rich). New nozzles were shipped from from Nashville Tennessee to lean the mixture out.

Our old Plymouth V8 on a Dynamometer. See all the dozens of sensors and other measuring devices that enable the correct adjustments to be made.

Just for fun, here’s a picture of my very first car which I saved up for until I was 15. I bought it for £350 as a complete wreck, and modified it with a 289 inch Ford small block V8, a super T10 four speed, and a narrowed 9” Ford rear axle. This photo came from a fairly recent advert, and I’m pleased to see it’s still out there looking better than ever.
A few pics of Andrew Cowie’s cabinet dioramas with their mirrors fitted.

Looking up into the roof lights of the shed interior diorama, which is based on an old stock shed at Swindon.
Although I don’t have any new pictures from Bucks Hill, I made the most of a recent failure in our broadband access to retouch and tweak some old unpublished images whilst offline, as well as a few from Temple Meads.

This one is from ages ago, when we were still working on the backscene, so there’s no detail layering in the middle distance yet. I quite like the effect though, with the backlighting on and the darker area to the right.

One of the best Bucks Hill photos taken so far was this Chris Nevard study of Dean 32xx 2-4-0 with the Golden Valley branch engine in the sidings behind. The Dean engine is a direct descendant of the Gooch era, but it also clearly points the way to the bogie front 4-4-0s that came soon after. Original by Chris Nevard/Model Rail Magazine.
Adrian Norman’s Nottisham layout is coming along well. and here are a couple of views of a new insert panel rested in place.

The brick overbridge needs embankments, bu it’s all taking shape nicely, with sidings full of wagons and vans. Adrian Norman
14th April 2021
Just tinkering away as usual, and work is progressing on Bourne End with some more time spent on the house backs of Wharf Lane. Although parts of the backscene are starting to take shape, there’s still a long way to go. The alloy sky panels are now ready for painting and I’ll be getting those done as a priority so they can be permanently fitted in place. The removable backscene panels can eventually rest against them once they are finished, and this will allow the various sections to be worked on offsite.
The rest of the time has been spent fitting and aligning diorama mirrors, all of which are now finished, some research work for possible future projects is in progress, and some additional tasks must be undertaken to maintain the dragster and it’s trailer.
To help gauge local interest in the Bourne End project and possibly gain knowledge, I took up the very generous offer from Barrie Penfold and the editorial staff of Target magazine, to publish an introduction to the model. I have already received replies and offers of help, so my very sincere thanks go to all the readers who took an interest, including a Mr R Fahey, who kindly sent me an original copy of a commemorative leaflet celebrating 100 years of the Marlow Donkey 1873/1973. Luckily, this contained a series of previously unseen photographs from exactly our chosen period, and it’s the perfect example of why you never stop looking for reference. I’m still looking for memories and photos from the village as well as the railway, so if any residents during the mid fifties period can still remember the various shops in the parade, for instance, that would come in handy.

Scanned from ‘100 years of the Marlow Donkey’, a wealth of detail can be seen in this view of an auto coach in the Marlow Bay platform at Bourne End on the 24th June 1953. This photo is a particularly useful one as it also shows us one of the house backs to the left of the driving cab. It also gives us the treeline, the foreground hedge and the characteristics of the two large trees visible above the auto coach roof. Photo B T Cooke
All the trees on Bourne End as well as the foliage will be portrayed as autumnal and here are a couple of examples destined for the panorama.

This one is a bit further into the process and it’s bearing a few autumn leaves. The structure of the trees themselves is very much more apparent with Autumn trees, so there are really no shortcuts when it comes to producing the armature

The Station Taxi office as it was in the fifties, built by Brian Lewis. This building survived until very recently, when it was run into by an errant vehicle and sadly it has had to be demolished as a result.
Paul, Nigel and Neil have been quietly producing new parts for Kingswear, so I’ll put a few photos here. The next step as far as scenic cover is concerned is ballasting the single line from Greenway to Waterhead Creek bridge, and once we have that done, it’ll be time to do the exposed river silt and the low tide waterline.

Neil has painted and fitted a few Modelu figures to go alongside the footpaths in Greenway’s Camellia garden. A deep pink magnolia bush is in bloom, and the large, waxy flowers in various shades of pink, white and magenta grow either side of the paths. Strolling this part of the gardens rewards visitors with some of the best views over the River Dart. Neil Podbery.

A selection of Peter Silvester’s exquisite models, now painted, lettered and windowed, with some finishing details added too, where necessary. The quality of construction is outstanding, especially given that they were made some thirty years ago or more, in the very early days of P4, when many of the components we nowadays take for granted were not available. Paul Woodward.

The riverbank at Hoodown is basically done now and the siding at the back has been extended a little to accommodate an eight coach Torbay Express rake. This is one of the few areas of the line where we have been a little restricted on backscene depth, but with a bit of forced perspective work, we’ve managed. Neil Podbery.
Kevin Wilson sent over some photographs of some of the very finely detailed 7mm scale projects that he has been working on lately, and I felt they were worth including here for interest along with some other Bucks Hill pictures.

This fantastic G.W.R. steam rail motor is now basically finished. This one is number 47 and it shows the business end with its four-wheel vertical-boiler power unit. A four-wheel trailing bogie with volute springs supported the carriage end of the vehicle, and the main driving wheels on these could vary from 3 ft 5 in to 4 ft. Kevin Wilson.

Most rail motors were converted into driving trailers for push-and-pull trains (sometimes referred to as autocoaches) accompanying a separate steam locomotive, and the original power units were scrapped. Autotrains offered many of the benefits of rail motors but, because they were operated by separate locomotives, they were much more flexible in operation and easier to maintain. The first of the original rail motors was withdrawn in 1914. This one was seen at Bucks Hill a few years ago. Barry Norman

Lined black LMS Patriot number 5538 passing Ewyas Harold with London and North Western Wolverton stock. This was a member of a class of 52, built for the London Midland and Scottish Railway, and No 5538 Giggleswick emerged from Crewe works in July 1933. They were based on the chassis of the Royal Scot, combined with the boiler from Large Claughtons, earning them the nickname Baby Scots.
The backscenes from Jack Anziani’s 7mm Westcott layout have been preserved, and I recently visited the new owner to see if they could be adapted to fit another freelance railway. I’m sure that will be possible with a bit of cutting and shutting. I’m sure Jack would have approved, so here’s my favourite Westcott picture taken by Chris Nevard.
A superb new book has been produced by Wild Swan, titled ‘Geoff Williams Aylesbury LNWR Researching and Modelling the prototype’. It has been written by Bob Williams, Geoff’s son, and compiled and designed by Steve Phillips, and the fully illustrated book describes the famous EM model of the LNWR station in Aylesbury, the World’s first branch line. The first section describes the building and restoration of the model, and the second, all of the research that went into creating it, including site photographs, maps, historic documents and sketches made by Geoff himself.
The book also features full signalling details, comprehensive photographic coverage of related structures, together with extensive information on the trains that used the branch and how Geoff modelled them. Apart from being a great book on how to set about modelling any prototype, and the techniques you might use to create it, this is also a wonderful personal account of one man’s lifetime and his hobby. There’s a real wealth of information on modelling techniques, including Geoff’s very effective use of perspective modelling, and I was very pleased to contribute a page account covering the restoration of the original 3D backscene.
The layout has happily been acquired and restored by Tim Peacock and the Risborough and District Model Railway Club. The culmination of both their and Geoff’s work was exhibited at the 2016 “Railex” show in Stoke Mandeville, which was quite an achievement, especially given that the layout had originally been permanently built into the loft of the family home.