Most of my colleagues have examples of Lee’s ready to run steam outline classics in their collections of 7mm rolling stock. We are very proud of our own Victorian G.W.R. bogie single ‘Duke of Connaught’ which appears frequently in the photos on this website.
In fact, most of the stars in the pictures come from Lee’s stable but here are a few examples that are from the new limited runs, and a link to keep up to date.

L.M.S. Patriot No 5503 ‘The Leicestershire Regiment’ passes a local train in open country. The locomotive was built at Crewe in 1932, originally un-named as No 5985, it was named in 1938, subsequently with Royal status in 1948.

BR Green liveried Jubilee No 45564. Photographed and weathered by Martyn Welch

A Patriot class No 45515 ‘Caernarvon’ in early BR Green livery.

L.M.S. lake liveried Jubilee No 5584 ‘North West Frontier’ Photographed and weathered by Martyn Welch.

‘Duke of Connaught’ our very own DCC equipped engine runs at Bucks Hill.
- LMS/BR Princess Royal 8P
- BR 9F 2-10-0
- GWR Castle Class