With 2D, perspective difficulties sometimes develop in the foreground of the scene, portrayals of the far distance and skyline are really similar to 3D, so it’s best not to be too ambitious, mainly because you can’t introduce a believable perspective convincingly or gradually enough, and some of the generic ready made ones have this trouble.
As long as there is a certain freedom with the design, the best features to represent on absolutely flat rear panels are layout scale ones like parallel lineside buildings or retaining walls.

A 2D acrylic painted panorama like this one can be produced to order. The research came from OS maps and aerial photos.

A section of a painted 2D scene, without any difficult perspective or a visible skyline. Scenes like this are easily blended into countryside/village layouts.

The sky can make a big difference to the overall look of the layout, so its worth spending some time choosing the right one for you.

2D scenes can often use some very low relief, so windows, sills and other details can usually be added.